What are folks using for transmit support other than LimeSuiteGUI?
I am testing transmit on 50-3456 and have that running with LimeSuite, but I’d like to do keying tests (CW) and obviously SSB.
Mike, N1JEZ
What are folks using for transmit support other than LimeSuiteGUI?
I am testing transmit on 50-3456 and have that running with LimeSuite, but I’d like to do keying tests (CW) and obviously SSB.
Mike, N1JEZ
Hello Mike,
GNU radio or Pothos but i don’t have my limesdr not yet, so i don’t test it.
Regards Ben
There is another app that @jocover developed that’s called ‘FooBar 2000’ that performs transmit only using AM and FM modes (CW LSB/USB are in development). Check this thread for more info -----> LimeSDR Transmitter plugin on windows .
Also, @SimonG4ELI is developing a means for transmit for the SDRConsole application, too, but that’s awhile off yet before we’ll see that for the LimeSDR.
Hope this helps - 73 de Marty, KN0CK
@martywittrock that’s an audio player app. Seems a touch odd adding ham radio modes to it!
Got Foobar running here. I’m looking forward to Simon’s transmit support as well as John’s in piHPSDR. I’m hoping to show the LimeSDR at the Eastern VHF Conference in April…
Nothing odd about it - HF modes are transmit modes anywhere (even 2m) and @jocover mentioned that he fully intends to add mic capabilities to it such that it can be used for voice and data modes until SDRConsole is ready. Transmit includes all modes, you know…It’s not just about NBFM/WBFM…
73 de Marty, KN0CK
You’d listen to music over SSB? I suspect that wouldn’t sound great… Does feel a bit like adding ham radio TX capabilities to a radio alarm clock. I guess maybe this is the ham radio equivalent of the Emacs mindset
There’s no music being played over SSB, Andrew…The app is being adapted by @jocover to allow microphone audio and other modes as a means to use it for transmit until SDRConsole is mature for both transmit and receive. The point of using the LimeSDR is for receive and transmit and until the apps are more mature for transmit this is as good as it gets since it’s the only transmit app (other than GNURadio Companion and Pothos) that can tune the Lime into the HF band and provide resources for the other modes for the purpose of testing the performance of the Lime in the lower bands - that’s largely uncharted territory right now because of the lack of good apps - and toward that @SimonG4ELI and @jocover are continuing to develop great apps for that purpose.
73 de Marty, KN0CK
Sure and I guess if it’s easy enough to add via a plug-in to a music player app, then it allows for testing and provides a stop gap solution too.
I love that one!
So many good cartoons for nerds from him.
Oh, and BTW - Real programmers use an IDE, real Admins use vi.
I agree - The LimeSDR is being embraced by the Amateur Radio community in a big way. I know of other Hams here in Cedar Rapids, Iowa that are certainly interested in HF but a pretty large contingent using it for V/UHF with the other modes (SSB/CW) with their Limes. My Beta Lime went to a V/UHF conference in Minnesota last October and was the darling of that show (received a lot of interest by the attendees). So getting transmit working for the Lime is a big deal now - we’ve had receive forever, so ANY app that allows operation in the other modes and use voice/data is going to get A LOT of use by the Hams on their boards until the apps (SDRConsole, HDSDR) support it.
I’m continuing to pound my head agaist PiHPSDR in hopes that it may be the first app to use the Lime for both transmit and receive. I’ve had compiler issues that I’m trying to resolve with Mike and Alex on that thread (I saw your entry there, so you know about the PiHPSDR thread on the forum). Mike has it working in receive, but I haven’t heard if transmit works yet, and John (G0ORX) is currently in a skiing trip this week and won’t be back on it for another 2 weeks. So we’re all trying to ‘roll our own’ on that app to get transmit running. THAT would be groundbreaking until SDRConsole and HDSDR are more mature.
73 de Marty, KN0CK
Plenty to ignite a flame war or two in that sentence! You didn’t throw a GPL vs. BSD into the mix also?
FWIW, I use vi. On the odd ocassion I’ve ended up in Emacs, I’ve had a heck of a job trying to escape…
Each to their own.
On Friday afternoon at the Eastern VHF Conference, we’ll be doing a seminar on “Getting on the Microwave bands without a boatload of $$$$” It will be W1GHZ, W1FKF and myself. Hoping we can show the LimeSDR doing its thing. We do have receive and I have it transmitting carriers fine with LimeSuite for testing, but hoping for a bit more…
LOL! Me too. And as Uncle Larry sez: TMTOWTDI.
I’m an admin that has recently moved into the wondrous world of DevOps so I actually use both myself depending on which makes the work flow faster or what the client has decided is the “right” tool.
As for BSD vs GPL, I find a far better war is started with a flame about Deb vs Red Hat, the hours of entertainment that result from orthodox believers nit picking minor deep internal variations that in the end really don’t make a bit of difference in the real world on real servers are nearly endless. Threads like that come back to life years later.
Not that I’ve ever been the instigator of such a melee…
Me, too…Unless there’s a breakthrough between now and Friday, I have a notion that this will take awhile…
73 de Marty, KN0CK
Hi Marty,
Fortunately the Eastern VHF/UHF Conference is scheduled for April 21, 22 & 23. So there is time…
Hello. I would like to transmit a sinusoidal waveform and see it in an oscilloscope. I found LimeTxDemo.pothos in https://github.com/myriadrf/LimeSDR_Workshop/tree/master/pothos
but I did not succeed. I tried both tx1_1 and tx1_2 but it seems that it does not work.
Pothos worked for transmit but it often crashed on my windows machine. After tens of restarts in 30 minutes I got tired of it and switched to gnuradio under Vmware + Ubuntu which is much more reliable.
Sample gnuradio flow that works for me:
Anyone get Tx yet ?
Yes, with SDRangel and LimeSDR#.