Operating System on LimeSDR-USB Board

Thanks for your support, Marty. And sorry for this stupid joke :slight_smile:

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Oh - you had me on that one, Zack…I read that post of yours on my way back from a trade show in Minneapolis while I was riding in the car and I could barely wait for the update on that…I knew it seemed impossible/impractical, but knowing your genius-level work I fell for that one hook, line, sinker, and boat, too…! :smiley: !!

Nice one, Zack…Now back to getting CP/M running on the Lime… :slight_smile:

73 de Marty, KN0CK

It means that my time spent on copying/pasting/combining Win10 menu and desktop paid off :slight_smile:

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Ha! … Semantics! :grin:

You almost had me. I was reading this originally on that day in the a.m. and kept saying “no, no, no”. I even had to look at how much memory was available. Right as I pulled up the stats of the LimeSDR I got it.

Very good but also could be a real shock to us Linux users. As if we had been stricken.

Definitely a :+1:

Great news just got new Win10 machine, keen to setup

Thank you for sincerity :slight_smile: