Limesdr Win10 issue

Finally tried the card on my other laptop so far no problem now other laptop which i always used for my sdr now after the update card wont show in main laptop tried uninstalling driver,zadig ccleaner etc no luck this just happened after firmware update and there is no way im gonna reformat this laptop since i used this for my amateur astronomy so maybe any other way you people can give any more idea?


Remove any ‘suspect’ drivers for the LimeSDR that may be sitting in two places in the USB section of the Device Manager and then plug the LimeSDR in again…Let Windows 10 perform the install for you because it will select the Cypress drivers since it’s digitally signed. At that point it’ll work fine for SDRConsole, CubicSDR, GQRX for Windows, etc. but I WILL NOT be compatible with SDRAngel - - that requires that you use Zadig to install the WinUSB driver to make that work for that app - - at the same time your Cypress driver will be gone, too (it’s just a matter of reloading that - - you can’t have both drivers for the LimeSDR).

Hope this helps - - I know this works because I’m living that quirk right now on my Win10 platform until I have a dedicated machine to LimeSDR for SDRAngel…

73 de Marty, KN0CK

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Do you have the link for the cypress driver did all this thing already still have an issue in win 10 remove ,reinstall like 5x already no luck.

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Look here -----> and then follow paragraph 4.1.1 to install the new Cypress driver. It’s strange that Windows 10 won’t just update it for you because it’s digitally signed now and is part of the expected driver set for the LimeSDR when you have Windows ‘hunt’ for it online.

Also, don’t worry about using Zadig to replace the Cypress driver with the WinUSB driver for using SDRAngel. You HAVE to do that to make SDRAngel work (must use Zadig to load the WinUSB driver). But going back is just as easy as deleting the WinUSB driver from the Device Manager list, unplugging your LimeSDR USB cable, and then plugging it back in to allow Windows to search and install the Cypress driver automatically - that’s how it works on my Win10 setup.

Try this and let us all know how you got along - we’re all here to help…

73 de Marty, KN0CK

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Still no luck cypress driver which already installed think limesdr just another failed product i’ve used again since still luck of support in software im going back to hackrf which is most used full to me even its only half duplex but atleast i can used it in sdrsharp that limesdr is lock of support.

@Ancer - Rommel,

Please try this and then you can give up on it if you choose:

1.) With the LimeSDR plugged into the USB 3.0 port, remove ALL LimeSDR drivers that appear in the Device Manager USB device list. Some can show up as ‘MyriadRF’ USB device and some could be labeled ‘LimeSDR’. Remove both of those instances from the Device Manager USB device list.

2.) Unplug your LimeSDR from your PC completely - let it stand for about a minute.

3.) Reboot your machine right after you unplugged your LimeSDR from the USB 3.0.

4.) When your PC has been rebooted and is at the desktop, plug your LimeSDR into the USB 3.0 port and listen for the prompt from Win10 that a USB device has been found. If you have the option, allow Windows to install the driver for the LimeSDR - - this will install the digitally signed driver (Cypress USB driver) to the PC to allow your LimeSDR to be recognized by the other apps you use.

5.) If you’re using SDRConsole V3.0, then this driver will be acceptable and you’ll be able to install the LimeSDR into that application - - Please let me know if you are using SDRConsole V3.0, there’s a procedure for this.

6.) If you’re using SDRAngel, then you will need to install the WinUSB driver that comes from the Zadig application. You’ll have to launch Zadig first, search for the installed USB items, find the LimeSDR in the device list and then click on the ‘Install Driver’ button on the Zadig interface. Once the driver is successfully installed, then you can launch SDRAngel and it will ‘see’ the LimeSDR as a device for Source and Sink.

Please try this and let us know if you have any success - There are MANY Hams and others that are using both the Cypress and WinUSB drivers on Win10 for the LimeSDR without the issues you’re seeing - so don’t just give up.

Keep in touch - 73 de Marty, KN0CK

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Tried this like 5x for some reason win 10 wont delete the limedriver im not noob when comes to pc or wins but i will give it a shot again if not might consider selling my lime.


After another 3x of rebooting and reinstalling driver finally got it working again think got it scared when i said im considering it to sell lol SDRangel maybe next time when i have more time again kinda used it all just for making it to work again in my main laptop.

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@Ancer - Rommel,

GOOD FOR YOU…!! Glad you got it fixed…! Whatever you do, don’t give up on the Lime - it’s a MUCH better SDR than the HackRF even though it doesn’t have the same bandwidth. Having two ports of Tx and Rx is a big benefit that you don’t have in too many SDRs on the market. Just learn from this experience and the next time it will be trivial how to set it up again.

73 de Marty, KN0CK


@Ancer - Rommel,

Now I have a question for you since I’m trying to put my LimeSDR onto a CLEAN Windows 10 installation and now I’M having driver issues (I think)…When you were plugging your LimeSDR into your laptop, did Windows 10 recognize the USB device (your LimeSDR) and notified you by the sound? Please let me know if you were notified or not because when I plug my LimeSDR into this CLEAN Win10 installation and into a free USB 3.0 port and running ZADIG and SDRAngel I don’t get ANY notification, yet I can turn around, plug it into my other PC and the LimeSDR will play fine on SDRAngel.

Again, the key I’m looking for here is if - on your laptop - that Win10 was notifying you that you had a USB device plugged in or not. Did it make a sound (jingle or otherwise) when the Lime was plugged in.

Please let me know - right now I’ve installed Zadig, PothosEnvironment, SDRAngel and I have nothing…I plug in my Lime into USB 3.0 and NOTHING…

Thanks in advance for your observation and how you made it work on your side (besides scaring your LimeSDR)…The irony of this is REALLY something… :smiley: !!

73 de Marty, KN0CK

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Its make beep sound when i plug the lime everytime just like any other usb device.

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@Ancer - Rommel,

All good - thanks for the information, greatly appreciated.

73 de Marty, KN0CK

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Just installed LimeSDR driver on 2 windows 10 machine, after many long painfull tryouts, considering abandoning limesdr to hackRF.

Some of the symptoms I was seeing, were:
1- USB Device manager keep beeping like devices were being plug in and out
2- SDR tools like upon pushing on start(HDSDR)/play(SDRShrap) button; SDR_Sharp and HDSDR would run for few second than application freeze permanently, requiring to kill application, and not being able to talk to LimeSDR until a reboot.

What I did(hope I remember all steps, some might be extra):
1- Go in device manager remove all LimeSDR/MyriadRF drivers installed so far,
2- Reboot
3- On top tab of Device manager click on view and select “Show hidden devices”
4- In my case there was other USB devices not being reconized, some that looked like might be related to LimeSDR,
5- Angain Wanted to make sure I remove all LimeSDR related installed USB drivers (reconized or not) but be carefull not to remove the other USB good USB Driver(Mouse,keyboard, …)
6- keeping close eye on the device manager USB devices and unreconized devices while plug-in and plug-out Lime SDR, remove all.
7- Download and unzip
8- Plug-in LimeSDR
9- Update Driver: Go in Device Manager, select the new USB that windows saw (due to LimeSDR USB insertion) update Driver / select: “Browse my computer for driver software”, browse down and select win10/x64 and include subdirectories
10- reboot(might not be needed)

It is now working in general, at least alot better than the few 2-3 second it use to, but it still hangs some time, specially if when I click buttonS to quickly.

You may not have enough power from the USB jack. Try adding an outboard supply,
Also, are you running USB2.X or 3.X ?


Win 10 insists on automatically installing drivers unless you tell it not to.
There is a setting in Control Panel, System, Advanced Settings, Hardware Tab, Device Installation Settings.
Check the button to prevent the automatic installation when a device is connected.
Before I was aware of this, I tried to update the driver and as soon as I uninstalled the unwanted driver, Win-10 immediately installed another driver . This prevents that and gives you a chance to select the driver from the LimeSDR-USB-master. Here is a link that describes this step-by-step:

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