Hi All,
I have cloned and built latest OAI:
Building is done using following command:
./build_oai -I -w LMSSDR --eNB --UE --nrUE --gNB
If I probe LimeSDR I can see the device:
But if I try to run OAI i got an runtime error:
~/openairinterface5g/cmake_targets/ran_build/build$ sudo ./lte-softmodem -O …/…/…/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf --rf-config-file …/…/…/targets/ARCH/LMSSDR/LimeSDR_above_1p8GHz_1v4.ini
[sudo] password for nemanja:
[CONFIG] get parameters from libconfig …/…/…/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf , debug flags: 0x00000000
[LIBCONFIG] Path for include directive set to: …/…/…/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF
[CONFIG] function config_libconfig_init returned 0
[CONFIG] config module libconfig loaded
[LIBCONFIG] config: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] log_config: 3/3 parameters successfully set, (2 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] log_config: 53/53 parameters successfully set, (53 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] log_config: 53/53 parameters successfully set, (53 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] log_config: 16/16 parameters successfully set, (16 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] log_config: 16/16 parameters successfully set, (16 to default value)
log init done
Reading in command-line options
[LIBCONFIG] (root): 31/31 parameters successfully set, (27 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] (root): 6/6 parameters successfully set, (5 to default value)
[ENB_APP] nfapi running mode: MONOLITHIC
Getting ENBSParams
[LIBCONFIG] (root): 3/3 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] list MACRLCs not found in config file …/…/…/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf
[LIBCONFIG] list L1s not found in config file …/…/…/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf
[LIBCONFIG] list RUs not found in config file …/…/…/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf
[LIBCONFIG] list THREAD_STRUCT not found in config file …/…/…/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf
[CONFIG] parallel_conf is set to 2
[CONFIG] worker_conf is set to 1
Configuration: nb_rrc_inst 1, nb_L1_inst 0, nb_ru 0
[LIBCONFIG] loader: 2/2 parameters successfully set, (2 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] loader.NB_IoT: 2/2 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
[LOADER] library libNB_IoT.so is not loaded: libNB_IoT.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
nb_nbiot_rrc_inst 0, nb_nbiot_L1_inst 0, nb_nbiot_macrlc_inst 0
[LIBCONFIG] TTracer: 4/4 parameters successfully set, (4 to default value)
configuring for RAU/RRU
CPU Freq is 2.938829
ITTI init, useMME: 1
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_UNKNOWN as task 0
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_TIMER as task 1
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_L2L1 as task 2
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_BM as task 3
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_PHY_ENB as task 4
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_MAC_ENB as task 5
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RLC_ENB as task 6
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RRC_ENB_NB_IoT as task 7
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_PDCP_ENB as task 8
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_DATA_FORWARDING as task 9
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_END_MARKER as task 10
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RRC_ENB as task 11
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RRC_GNB as task 12
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RAL_ENB as task 13
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_S1AP as task 14
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_NGAP as task 15
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_X2AP as task 16
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_M2AP_ENB as task 17
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_M2AP_MCE as task 18
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_M3AP as task 19
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_M3AP_MME as task 20
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_M3AP_MCE as task 21
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_SCTP as task 22
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_ENB_APP as task 23
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_GNB_APP as task 24
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_MCE_APP as task 25
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_MME_APP as task 26
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_FLEXRAN_AGENT as task 27
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_PHY_UE as task 28
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_MAC_UE as task 29
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RLC_UE as task 30
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_PDCP_UE as task 31
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RRC_UE as task 32
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RRC_NRUE as task 33
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_NAS_UE as task 34
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RAL_UE as task 35
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_MSC as task 36
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_GTPV1_U as task 37
[TMR] Starting itti queue: OCP_GTPV1_U as task 38
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_UDP as task 39
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_CU_F1 as task 40
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_DU_F1 as task 41
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RRC_UE_SIM as task 42
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_RRC_GNB_SIM as task 43
[TMR] Starting itti queue: TASK_NAS_NRUE as task 44
[LIBCONFIG] opt: 3/3 parameters successfully set, (3 to default value)
[OPT] OPT disabled
Send signal 35 to display resource usage…
reported resolution = 1 ns
[HW] Version: Branch: Abrev. Hash: Date:
Runtime table
[PHY] RC.eNB = 0x55fc630d42f0
[LIBCONFIG] list L1s not found in config file …/…/…/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf
[PHY] No L1s configuration found[PHY] RC.eNB[0] = 0x55fc630d4350
[PHY] RC.eNB[0][0] = 0x7efd913bf010
[PHY] read_config_and_init() RC.nb_L1_inst: 0
[LIBCONFIG] list MACRLCs not found in config file …/…/…/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf
[LIBCONFIG] list MACRLCs not found in config file …/…/…/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf
[MAC] read_config_and_init() RC.nb_macrlc_inst: 0
[LIBCONFIG] (root): 3/3 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0]: 25/25 parameters successfully set, (17 to default value)
[RRC] Instance 0: Southbound Transport local_mac
[RRC] Setting node_type to ngran_eNB
[LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].plmn_list.[0]: 3/3 parameters successfully set, (0 to default value)
[RRC] num component carriers 1
[RRC] enb_config::RCconfig_RRC() parameter number: 0, total number of parameters: 79, ccspath: eNBs.[0].component_carriers.[0]
[LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].component_carriers.[0]: 79/79 parameters successfully set, (19 to default value)
phich.resource 0 (ONESIXTH), phich.duration 0 (NORMAL)
No eMBMS configuration, skipping it
[LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].component_carriers.[0].emtc_parameters: 88/88 parameters successfully set, (88 to default value)
No eMTC configuration, skipping it
[LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].component_carriers.[0].SLparameters: 39/39 parameters successfully set, (39 to default value)
No SL configuration skipping it
[LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].srb1_parameters: 6/6 parameters successfully set, (0 to default value)
[RRC] Node type 0
[LIBCONFIG] (root): 3/3 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] NETWORK_CONTROLLER: 6/6 parameters successfully set, (6 to default value)
[PDCP] PDCP layer has been initialized
[PDCP] pdcp init,usegtp
[PDCP] ENB pdcp will use tun interface for MBMS
[NETLINK]Opened socket oaitun_enm1 with fd 97
returnValue 0
returnValue 0
returnValue 0
[OIP] Interface oaitun_enm1 successfully configured, ip address, mask broadcast address
[ENB_APP] Creating ENB_APP eNB Task
[TMR] Created Posix thread TASK_ENB_APP
[RRC] Creating RRC eNB Task
[LIBCONFIG] (root): 3/3 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0]: 25/25 parameters successfully set, (17 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].plmn_list.[0]: 3/3 parameters successfully set, (0 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].component_carriers.[0]: 79/79 parameters successfully set, (19 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].mme_ip_address.[0]: 6/6 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].SCTP: 2/2 parameters successfully set, (0 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].NETWORK_INTERFACES: 11/11 parameters successfully set, (2 to default value)
[GTPU] Configuring GTPu
[LIBCONFIG] (root): 3/3 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0].NETWORK_INTERFACES: 3/3 parameters successfully set, (0 to default value)
[GTPU] Configuring GTPu address : → 3e2d400a
[ENB_APP] default drx 2
[ENB_APP] [eNB 0] eNB_app_register via S1AP for instance 0
[LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0]: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] gNBs.[0]: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] eNBs.[0]: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
[TMR] Created Posix thread TASK_RRC_ENB
[RRC] Entering main loop of RRC message task
[SCTP] Starting SCTP layer
[TMR] Created Posix thread TASK_SCTP
[S1AP] Starting S1AP layer
[TMR] Created Posix thread TASK_S1AP
[S1AP] Registered new eNB[0] and macro eNB id 3584
[S1AP] [eNB 0] check the mme registration state
[SCTP] Converted ipv4 address to network type
[SCTP] connectx assoc_id 10 in progress…, used 1 addresses
[SCTP] Inserted new descriptor for sd 99 in list, nb elements 1, assoc_id 10
[TMR] Created Posix thread TASK_UDP
[UDP] Initializing UDP task interface
[UDP] Initializing UDP task interface: DONE
[TMR] Created Posix thread TASK_GTPV1_U
[X2AP] X2AP is disabled.
[MAC] Creating MAC eNB Task
[GTPU] Initializing GTPU stack 0x55fc615b71f0
[GTPU] Tx UDP_INIT IP addr (868)
[UDP] Initializing UDP for local address with port 2152
[UDP] Failed to bind socket: (Cannot assign requested address:99) address port 2152
[MAC] Starting main loop of MAC message task
[TMR] Created Posix thread TASK_MAC_ENB
[RRC] [eNB 0] Received RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ : 0x55fc630e9c80
[RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 0] Init…
[RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 0] Checking release
[RRC] [FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 0] Rel14 RRC detected, MBMS flag 0
[RRC] [eNB 0] Node type 0
[RRC] configuration->schedulingInfoSIB1_BR_r13[CC_id] 0
[RRC] Configuring MIB (N_RB_DL 25,phich_Resource 0,phich_Duration 0)
[RRC] [MIB] systemBandwidth 2, phich_duration 0, phich_resource 0, sfn 0
[RRC] [MIB] schedulingInfoSIB1 0
[RRC] [eNB 0] Configuration SIB2/3, eMBMS = 0
[RRC] do_SIB23, size 38
Error: signal 11:
Any experience with: Error: signal 11?
I followed instruction for build and run:
Has anyone managed to build and run OAI with LimeSDR USB on Ubuntu 18?
If yes please send me the link where to download stabile OAI source and instruction how to configure it and run?