How to Install LimeSDR on OpenInterface eNodeB

I am wondering if there is a way to install LimeSDR on OpenInterface eNodeB? If someone can point me in the right direction or just give me a starting point, that would be great. I am using Ubuntu 16.04 OS. Thank you


From the old eurocom fr website.

git clone
cd YOUR_openairinterface5g_DIRECTORY
source oaienv (Very important. It sets the correct environment variables)
cd cmake_targets
./build_oai -I --install-optional-packages (need to run only once)
./build_oai -h (for more options) 

Install, Build eNB

package installation + EXMIMO Driver Installation: ./build_oai -I --install-optional-packages
package installation + USRP Driver installation : ./build_oai -I --install-optional-packages -w USRP
package installation + BladeRF Driver Installation: ./build_oai -I --install-optional-packages -w BLADERF
eNB + EXMIMO + test: ./build_oai --eNB -w EXMIMO -c -s
eNB + USRP: ./build_oai --eNB -c -w USRP
eNB+ ETHERNET : build_oai.bash --eNB -c -w ETHERNET 

Build LTE Simulations (L3/L2/L1)

unitary L1 simulations: ./build_oai --phy_simulators
oaisim: ./build_oai --oaisim (build oaisim with S1 support)
oaisim_nos1:./build_oai --oaisim --noS1 (build oaisim without S1 support) 

These will create directories under cmake_targets corresponding to the different targets. These are the main directories:

lte_noS1_build_oai (see notes below for further building instructions) : L1/L2 + Linux IP interface (i.e. no S1 interface). This is a target which will work with and OAI eNB and OAI UE only.
oaisim_build_oai : oaisim with S1
lte_build_oai: eNB/UE build with S1/NAS
lte-simulators: unitary PHY simulators
oaisim_noS1_build_oai: oaisim without S1 


Add -x to enable xforms (soft scope)
Add -V to enable VCD file generation
Add -K /tmp/itti_enb.log for itti logs
For lte_noS1_build_oai do the following: 


cd lte_noS1_build_oai
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make lte-softmodem -j4

Building the EPC modules

git clone
cd YOUR_openair-cn_DIRECTORY
./build_epc -i (Need to run only once to install missing packages)
./build_hss -i (Need to run only once to install missing packages)

The detailed instructions for EPC are located in: YOUR_openair-cn_DIRECTORY/DOCS/EPC_User_Guide.pdf

Hope that helps.

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Thank you very much for the response. I will give it a try and respond back to you with either more questions or acknowledgement saying that it works.

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I usually use the following sequence to install/run OAI eNB with LimeSDR:

0 Install LimeSuite from git (if not already installed).

  1. git clone
  2. cd openairinterface5g
  3. git checkout develop
  4. cd cmake_targets
  5. ./build_oai -I --eNB -x -w LMSSDR
  6. cd lte_build_oai/build
  7. sudo ./lte-softmodem -O …/…/…/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf --rf-config-file …/…/…/targets/ARCH/LMSSDR/LimeSDR_above_1p8GHz_1v4.ini

Note that you have to edit file “enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf” for your EPC configuration.

Hi @IgnasJ

I am on step 7. I think I have configure my files correctly but I am not entirely sure. When I run the command for step 7, I get a blue line that says:
“Waiting for eNB application to be ready …”

It seems to go on forever, I am just wondering if this is linked to the configuration of the “enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf” or if there is another factor that I might not be considering.
I used the same git clone as the and I build the LimeSuite from source

Hi @Andrew_23,

Is EPC running? If yes, then something wrong with configuration, while eNB can not communicate with EPC.

From my experience it indicates that eNB is not able to connect to EPC/MME. Either because it is not running on specified IP address or because it is rejecting eNB connection. So you should verify that 1) EPC/MME is running 2) correct MME IP address is set in eNB config file 3) check EPC/MME messages/logs to see if there is any activity. If you are using OAI EPC you can try asking for help on their mailing list.

I think this message appears before opening hardware (you should be able to get to this point without board connected to PC) so it is general stack configuration issue.

Hey @IgnasJ,

We decided to restart the build and installation of the eNodeB and I came across an issue in step 7 again. This is a different problem and I am wondering if you might know what the problem is or what might cause this problem.

/dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 0us

log init done
num component carrier 1
WARNING: setting ‘gtpu_log_level’ not found in configuration file
WARNING: setting ‘gtpu_log_verbosity’ not found in configuration file
WARNING: setting ‘udp_log_level’ not found in configuration file
WARNING: setting ‘udp_log_verbosity’ not found in configuration file
WARNING: setting ‘osa_log_level’ not found in configuration file
WARNING: setting ‘osa_log_verbosity’ not found in configuration file


ENB CONFIG for instance 0:

    eNB name:               eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox:
    eNB ID:                 42:
    Cell type:              CELL_MACRO_ENB:
    TAC:                    12594:
    MCC:                    1:
    MNC:                    01:

    node_function for CC 0:         eNodeB_3GPP:
    node_timing for CC 0:           synch_to_ext_device:
    node_synch_ref for CC 0:        0:
    eutra band for CC 0:            7:
    downlink freq for CC 0:         2680000000:
    uplink freq offset for CC 0:    -120000000:

    Cell ID for CC 0:       0:
    N_RB_DL for CC 0:       25:
    nb_antenna_ports for CC 0: 1:
    nb_antennas_tx for CC 0:   1:
    nb_antennas_rx for CC 0:   1:
    rach_numberOfRA_Preambles for CC 0:     15:
    rach_preamblesGroupAConfig for CC 0:    0:
    rach_powerRampingStep for CC 0: 2:
    rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower for CC 0:       8:
    rach_preambleTransMax for CC 0: 6:
    rach_raResponseWindowSize for CC 0:     7:
    rach_macContentionResolutionTimer for CC 0:     5:
    rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx for CC 0:   4:
    bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff for CC 0:  0:
    pcch_defaultPagingCycle for CC 0:       2:
    pcch_nB for CC 0:       2:
    prach_root for CC 0:    0:
    prach_config_index for CC 0:    0:
    prach_high_speed for CC 0: 0:
    prach_zero_correlation for CC 0:        1:
    prach_freq_offset for CC 0:     2:
    pdsch_referenceSignalPower for CC 0:    -34:
    pdsch_p_b for CC 0:     0:
    pusch_n_SB for CC 0:    1:
    pusch_hoppingMode for CC 0:     0:
    pusch_hoppingOffset for CC 0:   0:
    pusch_enable64QAM for CC 0:     0:
    pusch_groupHoppingEnabled for CC 0:     1:
    pusch_groupAssignment for CC 0: 0:
    pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled for CC 0:  0:
    pusch_nDMRS1 for CC 0:  1:
    pucch_delta_shift for CC 0:     0:
    pucch_nRB_CQI for CC 0: 1:
    pucch_nCS_AN for CC 0:  0:
    srs_enable for CC 0:    0:
    pusch_p0_Nominal for CC 0: -96:
    pucch_p0_Nominal for CC 0: -104:
    pusch_alpha for CC 0:   7:
    pucch_deltaF_Format1 for CC 0:  2:
    pucch_deltaF_Format1b for CC 0: 1:
    pucch_deltaF_Format2 for CC 0:  1:
    pucch_deltaF_Format2a for CC 0: 1:
    pucch_deltaF_Format2b for CC 0: 1:
    msg3_delta_Preamble for CC 0:   6:
    ul_CyclicPrefixLength for CC 0: 0:
    ue_TimersAndConstants_t300 for CC 0:    5:
    ue_TimersAndConstants_t301 for CC 0:    5:
    ue_TimersAndConstants_t310 for CC 0:    5:
    ue_TimersAndConstants_n310 for CC 0:    7:
    ue_TimersAndConstants_t311 for CC 0:    3:
    ue_TimersAndConstants_n311 for CC 0:    0:
    ue_TransmissionMode for CC 0:   0:

    Global log level:       info
    HW log level:           info
    PHY log level:          info
    MAC log level:          info
    RLC log level:          info
    PDCP log level:         info
    RRC log level:          info
    UDP log level:          info
    GTP log level:          info
    OSA log level:          info

Downlink frequency/ uplink offset of CC_id 0 set to 2680000000/-120000000
configuring for eNB
CPU Freq is 1.700107
reported resolution = 1 ns
[HW][I]Version: Branch: develop Abrev. Hash: 9bef36f Date: Mon May 22 11:41:14 2017 +0200
[PHY][I]Initializing frame parms for N_RB_DL 25, Ncp 0, osf 1
lte_parms.c: Setting N_RB_DL to 25, ofdm_symbol_size 512
[PHY][I][eNB 0] Initializing DL_FRAME_PARMS : N_RB_DL 25, PHICH Resource 1, PHICH Duration 0
[openair][LTE_PHY][INIT] common_vars->txdataF[0][0] = 0x7f02964d9040 (286720 bytes)
[openair][LTE_PHY][INIT] common_vars->txdataF[0][5] = 0x7f0292e58040 (286720 bytes)
[openair][LTE_PHY][INIT] common_vars->txdata[0][0] = 0x7f0292e0c040 (307200 bytes)
[openair][LTE_PHY][INIT] common_vars->rxdata[0][0] = 0x7f0292dc0040 (307200 bytes)
[openair][LTE_PHY][INIT] common_vars->rxdata_7_5kHz[0][0] = 0x174460e0 (61440 bytes)
[openair][LTE_PHY][INIT] prach_vars->rxsigF[0] = 0x17810e40
[openair][LTE_PHY][INIT] prach_vars->prach_ifft[0] = 0x17816ea0
[PHY][I]init eNB: Node Function 0
[PHY][I]init eNB: Nid_cell 0
[PHY][I]init eNB: frame_type 0,tdd_config 3
[PHY][I]init eNB: number of ue max 16 number of enb max 1 number of harq pid max 8
[PHY][I]init eNB: N_RB_DL 25
[PHY][I]init eNB: prach_config_index 0
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH, UE 0
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH, UE 0
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH, UE 1
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH, UE 1
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH, UE 2
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH, UE 2
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH, UE 3
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH, UE 3
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH, UE 4
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH, UE 4
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH, UE 5
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH, UE 5
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH, UE 6
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH, UE 6
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH, UE 7
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH, UE 7
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH, UE 8
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH, UE 8
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH, UE 9
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH, UE 9
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH, UE 10
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH, UE 10
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH, UE 11
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH, UE 11
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH, UE 12
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH, UE 12
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH, UE 13
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH, UE 13
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH, UE 14
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH, UE 14
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH, UE 15
[PHY][I]Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH, UE 15
CPU Freq is 1.700122
HW: Configuring card 0, nb_antennas_tx/rx 1/1
Card 0, channel 0, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 2680000000.000000, rx_freq 2560000000.000000
Card 0, channel 1, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
Card 0, channel 2, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
Card 0, channel 3, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
HW: Configuring card 1, nb_antennas_tx/rx 1/1
Card 1, channel 0, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 2680000000.000000, rx_freq 2560000000.000000
Card 1, channel 1, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
Card 1, channel 2, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
Card 1, channel 3, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
HW: Configuring card 2, nb_antennas_tx/rx 1/1
Card 2, channel 0, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 2680000000.000000, rx_freq 2560000000.000000
Card 2, channel 1, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
Card 2, channel 2, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
Card 2, channel 3, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
HW: Configuring card 3, nb_antennas_tx/rx 1/1
Card 3, channel 0, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 2680000000.000000, rx_freq 2560000000.000000
Card 3, channel 1, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
Card 3, channel 2, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
Card 3, channel 3, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
HW: Configuring card 4, nb_antennas_tx/rx 1/1
Card 4, channel 0, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 2680000000.000000, rx_freq 2560000000.000000
Card 4, channel 1, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
Card 4, channel 2, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
Card 4, channel 3, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
HW: Configuring card 5, nb_antennas_tx/rx 1/1
Card 5, channel 0, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 2680000000.000000, rx_freq 2560000000.000000
Card 5, channel 1, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
Card 5, channel 2, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
Card 5, channel 3, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
HW: Configuring card 6, nb_antennas_tx/rx 1/1
Card 6, channel 0, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 2680000000.000000, rx_freq 2560000000.000000
Card 6, channel 1, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
Card 6, channel 2, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
Card 6, channel 3, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
HW: Configuring card 7, nb_antennas_tx/rx 1/1
Card 7, channel 0, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 2680000000.000000, rx_freq 2560000000.000000
Card 7, channel 1, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
Card 7, channel 2, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
Card 7, channel 3, Setting tx_gain 60.000000, rx_gain 111.000000, tx_freq 0.000000, rx_freq 0.000000
[HW][I]CPU Affinity of main() function is… CPU_0 CPU_1 CPU_2 CPU_3 CPU_4 CPU_5 CPU_6 CPU_7 CPU_8 CPU_9 CPU_10 CPU_11 CPU_12 CPU_13 CPU_14 CPU_15
[PHY][I]Intializing L2
[MAC][I][mac_init_global_param] [MAIN] CALLING RLC_MODULE_INIT…
[MAC][I][mac_init_global_param] [MAIN] RLC_MODULE_INIT OK, malloc16 for mac_rlc_xface…
[MAC][I][mac_init_global_param] [MAIN] malloc16 OK, mac_rlc_xface @ 0x194d5840
[MAC][I][mac_init_global_param] [MAIN] RLC interface setup and init
[PDCP][I]PDCP layer has been initialized
[MAC][I][mac_init_global_param] [MAIN] Init Global Param Done
[MAC][I][l2_init] [MAIN] init eNB MAC functions
[MAC][I][l2_init] [MAIN] init UE MAC functions
[MAC][I][l2_init] [MAIN] PHY Frame configuration
[MAC][I][mac_top_init] [MAIN] Init function start:Nb_UE_INST=0
[MAC][I][mac_top_init] [MAIN] Init function start:Nb_eNB_INST=1
[MAC][I][mac_top_init] [MAIN] calling RRC
[RRC][I][eNB] handover active state is 0
[RRC][I][eNB] eMBMS active state is 0
[MAC][I][mac_top_init] [MAIN][INIT] Init function finished
[SCTP][I][sctp_eNB_task] Starting SCTP layer
[S1AP][I][s1ap_eNB_task] Starting S1AP layer
[UDP][I]Initializing UDP task interface
[UDP][I]Initializing UDP task interface: DONE
[GTPV1U][I]Initializing GTPU stack 0x115af00
ITTI tasks created
Wait for the ITTI initialize message
[UDP][I]Initializing UDP for local address with port 2152
[UDP][I]Inserting new descriptor for task 11, sd 40
[UDP][I]Initializing UDP for local address with port 2152: DONE
[ENB_APP][I][eNB_app_register] [eNB 0] eNB_app_register for instance 0
[S1AP][I][s1ap_eNB_handle_register_eNB] Registered new eNB[0] and macro eNB id 42
[S1AP][I][s1ap_eNB_register_mme] [eNB 0] check the mme registration state
[SCTP][I][sctp_handle_new_association_req] sctp_bindx SCTP_BINDX_ADD_ADDR socket bound to :
[SCTP][I][sctp_handle_new_association_req] Converted ipv4 address to network type
[SCTP][I][sctp_handle_new_association_req] connectx assoc_id 62 in progress…, used 1 addresses
[SCTP][I][sctp_handle_new_association_req] Inserted new descriptor for sd 41 in list, nb elements 1, assoc_id 62
[RRC][I][FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 0] Init…
[RRC][I][FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 0] Checking release
[RRC][I][FRAME 00000][eNB][MOD 00][RNTI 0] Rel14 RRC detected, MBMS flag 0
[RRC][I][eNB 0] Configuration SIB2/3, MBMS = 0
[MAC][I][rrc_mac_config_req] [CONFIG][eNB 0/0] Configuring MAC/PHY
[MAC][I][rrc_mac_config_req] [CONFIG]SIB2/3 Contents (partial)
[MAC][I][rrc_mac_config_req] [CONFIG]pusch_config_common.n_SB = 1
[MAC][I][rrc_mac_config_req] [CONFIG]pusch_config_common.hoppingMode = 0
[MAC][I][rrc_mac_config_req] [CONFIG]pusch_config_common.pusch_HoppingOffset = 0
[MAC][I][rrc_mac_config_req] [CONFIG]pusch_config_common.enable64QAM = 0
[MAC][I][rrc_mac_config_req] [CONFIG]pusch_config_common.groupHoppingEnabled = 1
[MAC][I][rrc_mac_config_req] [CONFIG]pusch_config_common.groupAssignmentPUSCH = 0
[MAC][I][rrc_mac_config_req] [CONFIG]pusch_config_common.sequenceHoppingEnabled = 0
[MAC][I][rrc_mac_config_req] [CONFIG]pusch_config_common.cyclicShift = 1
Initializing eNB threads
[PHY][I]Initializing eNB 0 CC_id 0 : (eNodeB_3GPP,synch_to_ext_device)
Unable to locate HW device set to NONE_DEV. cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Exiting, cannot initialize rf device

I have found the and I found the So I know it is in within the VM.

We fixed the issue by first entering the ldconfig command. Then we re did step 7 and it worked fine.

As you go through, step by step building dependencies, it is often a good idea after each to execute ldconfig in case the next one depends on the previous.

I’m trying OAI following this, if anyone knows a better guide please steer me to it – All in one OpenAirInterface – 4G and 5G reference software (did the build for -w LMSSDR ok).

Got everything to run but there’s a mismatch between eNB and mme - anyone seen this?

[S1AP][E][s1ap_eNB_handle_s1_setup_failure] Received s1 setup failure for MME… please check your parameters

repeats over and over while mme complains

There is too much eNB connected to MME, rejecting the association

Just started this today so will continue to stare and compare. The guide is for Ubuntu 17 and I’m still using 16.04LTS. Another issue was installing the low-latency kernel but the gtp kernel model was built for the latest normal version.

Ah, nevermind - it was an easy mismatch of MNC -


had mobile_network_code = ‘93’ (cant even find that ), while


had MCC 92

Got activity now :sunny:

Setting eNB buffer to all-RX
Sending sync to all threads
Entering ITTI signals handler
got sync (eNB_thread_single)
got sync (eNB_thread_synch)
Connecting to device: LimeSDR-USB, media=USB 3.0, module=FX3, addr=1d50:6108, serial=0009060B00471F23
Reference clock 30.72 MHz
Set sample rate 7.680000 MHz
Set TX frequency 2680.000000 MHz
RX LPF configured
TX LPF configured
SR: 7.680 MHz
SR: 7.680 MHz

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Here’s Band13 spectrum in gqrx / usrp1 using closed coax system with 10db attenuator - for the police because there is a real 751MHz cell nearby. Using enb.band13.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf which got error about a few entries missing so just copied them from enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf

Changed, again:
mobile_network_code = “92”;
node_function = “eNodeB_3GPP”;
node_timing = “synch_to_ext_device”;
node_synch_ref = 0;
nb_antenna_ports = 1;
ue_TransmissionMode = 1;

and getting this spectrum at 751MHz

Just noticed the ext ref lock LED is going OFF - tried setting node_timing above to “synch_to_other” and that does not work at all, gets Unknown eNB->node_function 0.
enb_config.c seems to have all the choices - node_function choice: eNodeB_3GPP or eNodeB_3GPP_BBU or NGFI_IF4_RCC or NGFI_IF4_RRU or NGFI_IF5_RRU

Just saved a lot of my time. I was also seeing the exact same error and found the same solution from your answer!

Hi everybody

I have implemented OAI using Limesdr and the phone can recognize the network and also can connect to it
I have stable connection between UE and the network

But when i wanted to start using DATA ( Internet ) i get Notting and the UE cant reach to the network!
I checked the Wireshark log and everything is fine except CHECKSUM ERROR IN TCP connection, i double check my physical connections and other things! but still have such problem!

How can i fix the Internet problem?

I’m using LIMESDR 7002D USB
