LimeSDR Firmware

Is there a way in LimeSuite to display the current firmware version in the LimeSDR?

With all the changes going on to address current issues, I’m assuming that firmware updates will need to be uploaded to the FPGA at some point.

I do see the ‘Programming’ module in LimeSuite.


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Just use the ‘Device Info’ selection on the same menu, and then press the ‘INFO’ button on the form to display what’s loaded into your LimeSDR. Also, when you use the Programming menu selection in LimeSuite, it will always update to the very latest firmware versions available for your LimeSDR HW.

73 de Marty, KN0CK

Hi Marty,

I guess I need a bit of coaching on updating. Here’s what I’ve done so far.

Using LimeSuite that came bundled with Pothos. (downloaded/installed 2 days ago)

I can connect to the LimeSDR fine.

Checking Device Info, I get this.

Next I open the Programming Module.

Next I click Program and get this>

When I clear the INFO dialog box, I see this>

It looks like the download failed?

Also there are several image and rbf files listed at the moment. I would have thought that the img file that the programmer was trying to use would be the latest which is 1.3 r3.0

Does the Programmer do img then rbf for the FPGA?

Sorry for all the questions. I used to updating my OpenHPSDR stuff which is one step using using an rbf.



The Programming Interface in Windows is a little weird, but try the programming again in Windows…When a command-line box pops, leave it alone - it’s downloading the .img file from the internet, then it downloads the .rbf file from the net. After that, it begins to program your LimeSDR with the files that were downloaded. I had this ‘failed’ condition happen to me, too, but download the latest Pothos install that was (I think) posted last night by Josh. Again, do that and try the programming again, but leave everything be while it’s downloading the files…then you’ll see it flash them appropriately.

Let me know if you run into any snags, Mike -

73 de Marty, KN0CK

Hi Marty,

Downloading the new Pothos build was the key. The Programming went along without a hitch!



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