Lime SDR Mini .wfm file

Hi. We are doing graduation projects with Lime SDR Mini. For project we use Octave GUI. We found this workshop ( ) which was done using by Lime SDR-USB. We simulated octave demos with Lime SDR Mini. Beacuse of not having DDR, Waveform can’t be uploaded to Lime SDR Mini. Is there any way that we can upload this .wfm file to Lime SDR Mini?(For example, if we change the address where we upload device’s RAM to computer RAM from the source code, can we get success. Also is it possible. ) I’m sharing Octave result for ASKdemo following this post.
Note: If we upload the .wfm file to Lime SDR Mini, Can we take better results?
Thanks in advance.

As far as I’m aware it would mean implementing a waveform player in software on the host. There is not anywhere on the LimeSDR Mini for it to be uploaded to.

Did you find a solution?
I have similar problem - there are two octave commands in the ASK DEMO initializing the transmission:
LimeLoopWFMStart(iqDataTx); % play back data
My understanding is that none of those allows to send signal samples directly to the TX module, so in case of MINI, which doesn’t have the DDR memory there is no way to stream data from octave - is my understanding correct?
Consequently I see the same result of the ASK demo.
Anyone working on a resolution (like adding a command to the limesdr package so the samples could be sent directly to the TX block rather than stored in the DDR?