How to Install LimeSDR on OpenInterface eNodeB

From the old eurocom fr website.

git clone
cd YOUR_openairinterface5g_DIRECTORY
source oaienv (Very important. It sets the correct environment variables)
cd cmake_targets
./build_oai -I --install-optional-packages (need to run only once)
./build_oai -h (for more options) 

Install, Build eNB

package installation + EXMIMO Driver Installation: ./build_oai -I --install-optional-packages
package installation + USRP Driver installation : ./build_oai -I --install-optional-packages -w USRP
package installation + BladeRF Driver Installation: ./build_oai -I --install-optional-packages -w BLADERF
eNB + EXMIMO + test: ./build_oai --eNB -w EXMIMO -c -s
eNB + USRP: ./build_oai --eNB -c -w USRP
eNB+ ETHERNET : build_oai.bash --eNB -c -w ETHERNET 

Build LTE Simulations (L3/L2/L1)

unitary L1 simulations: ./build_oai --phy_simulators
oaisim: ./build_oai --oaisim (build oaisim with S1 support)
oaisim_nos1:./build_oai --oaisim --noS1 (build oaisim without S1 support) 

These will create directories under cmake_targets corresponding to the different targets. These are the main directories:

lte_noS1_build_oai (see notes below for further building instructions) : L1/L2 + Linux IP interface (i.e. no S1 interface). This is a target which will work with and OAI eNB and OAI UE only.
oaisim_build_oai : oaisim with S1
lte_build_oai: eNB/UE build with S1/NAS
lte-simulators: unitary PHY simulators
oaisim_noS1_build_oai: oaisim without S1 


Add -x to enable xforms (soft scope)
Add -V to enable VCD file generation
Add -K /tmp/itti_enb.log for itti logs
For lte_noS1_build_oai do the following: 


cd lte_noS1_build_oai
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make lte-softmodem -j4

Building the EPC modules

git clone
cd YOUR_openair-cn_DIRECTORY
./build_epc -i (Need to run only once to install missing packages)
./build_hss -i (Need to run only once to install missing packages)

The detailed instructions for EPC are located in: YOUR_openair-cn_DIRECTORY/DOCS/EPC_User_Guide.pdf

Hope that helps.

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