Got my LimeSDR, but how to get it working as RX in SDRConsole/Windows10?

I’m not a software developer, just a keen user of RTL & SDRPlay(RSP1) for a variety of rx tasks and eventually TX on ham radio.
I have downloaded the ‘demo’ SDR Console V3 and it took me about 30 seconds to get it working with my RSP1. When I plug in my Lime I get the windows ‘bong’ but no indication that it needs drivers nor have I been able to find what I need to install any drivers. Selecting it in SDR COnsole results in a
I’ve followed the link and downloaded the Evaluation kit software package and can run lms7suite. But choosing any of my 3 offered comms ports results in nothing found, sorry message.

Can we please have some step by step guidance on this?


Gareth (London UK)


Do you have the USB 3.0 drivers installed in your Windows PC? A way to determine this is to open a Command Prompt window and type the following at the prompt: SoapySDRUtil --find

…by doing that you’ll know if Windows can even ‘see’ your LimeSDR. If not, use this link:;O=D

That will pull the latest Pothos installer that is available (the most recent is the one on top) . Just download and double-click the installer once you have it on your PC and it’ll install ALL the drivers you need along with some additional apps that are fundamental to using the LimeSDR, too (LimeSuite, GQRX, GNU Radio Companion, CubicSDR, etc). Once you have the drivers installed and can see your LimeSDR using ‘SoapySDRUtil --find’ then you can move onto the step of setting up your LimeSDR onto SDRConsole.

SDRConsole requires that you set a radio for the session. On the GUI you will find ‘Select Radio’ on the banner toward the top left. By clicking on that, and then clicking on the ‘definitions’ button on the form that pops up you can select a radio (like you did for SDRPlay) and then populate that form with the newly found LimeSDR that’s in the same list. Then you can click OK on that form, select the LimeSDR that’s on the ‘Select Radio’ form, make sure the selected bandwidth is 2.5 MHz (to start, you can open up the bandwidth later on) then click on the ‘START’ button and then watch it play.

Get that far and then let us all know how you’re coming along with your newly acquired Lime - we’re here to help…! :slight_smile:

73 de Marty, KN0CK

Thanks Marty, I have followed the instructions, and downloaded and run the latest PothosSDR. As stated it installed PothosGUI, Lime Suite, GQRX, GNURadio Companion and CUbic SDR. I alos updated to the latest Pyton version. All the software runs but none of it can find the lime. Here is what I get when I run SoapySDRUtil…

C:\Users\Gareth>SoapySDRUtil --find

Soapy SDR – the SDR abstraction library


Win32; Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.0; Boost_106300; UHD_003.010.001.001-52-g86c74ee9

Found device 0
default_input = True
default_output = True
device_id = 0
driver = audio
label = Default Device

Found device 1
default_input = False
default_output = False
device_id = 5
driver = audio
label = CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)

Found device 2
driver = miri
label = Mirics MSi2500 default (e.g. VTX3D card)
miri = 0

Found device 3
driver = sdrplay
label = SDRplay Dev0 RSP1 0000000001

The Line IS plugged in using the USB3 lead (alone) and it produces the windows ‘bing’. It has a continuous double green LED lit and a flashing reg/green. SDRConsole still can’t find it, even after a re-boot. I’m puzzled…



Hello @radiiogareth,

Have you tried LimeSDR-USB Quick Test?
Use the latest compiled LimeSuiteGUI for Win.

That said, GNURadio companion doesn’t seem to work with this error message



I’ve downloaded the latest Lime Suite Build date 2017-5-03.
When I open Options-connection settings I get a blank window, so its not seeing my Lime on the USB at this point. I’ll go and have a look at the device manager now…


So it can see it :slight_smile:

But it can’t find the driver…

Found it here

Downloaded and bingo…now to play.

I’d still like to get GNURadio Companion working as it seems to support ALL known video standards (DVBS2 for advanced wxsat reception) :slight_smile:

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You have to download 64 bit too.

Rather than creating another thread, I might just add my query to this one…

On a Windows 10 box, with the most recent PothosSDR (17-05.02) installed.
LimeSDR shows up in Device Manager as LimeSDR-USB with no (!), so properly installed.
I have the USB driver loaded (identified as LimeSDR-USB, OpenMOKO in driver information) but SoapySDRUtil --find and LimeUtil --find both don’t find it.

It doesn’t show up in the Connections window in LimeSuite
SDRConsole can’t see it either.

However, on Linux, it is detected when I plug in, and LimeSuite and URH have no problems seeing it.

Any suggestions?

Hoping @Zack might be able to suggest something.

Hi @gerryk,

Well, quite strange… Could you try to execute LimeSuiteGUI as admin, please. Let me know if this helps.

Hi @Zack
I launched a command window as admin and tried LimeSuite and the 2 commandline tools, but no difference.

I would try remove the driver and suite then used ccleaner or bleachit or both then reboot install driver then plug the card then the rest.

OK, I’ll try that.
Windows is such a headache. Don’t know why things can’t be simple, like Linux

Detected now. Thanks for the help.

Me too Gareth (not software guy), and wanted to get going on SDR Console and W10, most important part was getting USB 3 card installed, then running the USB driver, which is here:, after that it ran, but with the disappointment that currently this is a single channel system. My sole purpose to get the Limesdr was to have an adaptive two channel rx, (for EME work), as I was told Simon had done this with packet feeds to MAP65 the Joe Taylor adaptive wideband receiver.So my question is: Is anyone aware of development for adaptive rx (BW is modest at 50khz) through a console or secondly is there a way of making the LimeSDR look like a 4 channel audio card to W10? hope this in on subject for others, regards Dave

I think your questions might do better in a thread of their own, @daveyc