This is perhaps a naive question but I am setting up an environment for testing and evaluating the XTRX as LimesuiteNG undergoes development. One of the features that interest me is the gr-limesuiteng plugin. I assume that if building from source that I should be using the LimeSuiteNG development branch. In building gnuradio from source, is there a preference (from the perspective of LimeSuiteNG) as to whether I use the gnuradio 3.10-maint branch or main? I don’t expect to be contributing code at first but testing probing and hopefully contributing useful problem reports.
There should be no difference, gr-limesuiteng should be compatible with any current gnuradio version >=3.10.
There is a caveat with gnuradio companion, the out of tree plugins have to be compiled with the same C++ compiler version (GCC major versions need to match, minor version difference seems ok) that was used to build gnuradio, otherwise the plugin’s Python bindings will fail to find symbols.