LimeSDR with Gqrx is working!

Hi Ben,

There is only one version of gqrx and that supports a wide range of hardware, including the hackrf. Please see the the link above for installation instructions on Ubuntu and variants.

I was able to get my V1.4 LimeSDR working under gqrx on ubuntu 16.10.

I abandoned the ppaā€™s after wrestling with dependency issues, so I compiled a few things from source.

gqrx @ 96fc99d (8 days ago)
gr-osmosdr @ ae686c4 (8 months ago) (libosmosdr) (
limesuite @ 21b216e (2 days ago)

basically some fiddling required to compile gqrx with the latest gr-osmosdr.

Sorry, can you please elaborate?

believe after reading some github threads that I needed to recompile gr-osmosdr without the Ettus components, so thats what I did.

I am not sure if this is still needed - i havenā€™t tried the PPAā€™s in a few weeks

my gr-osmosdr is compiled with the following components

ā€“ ######################################################
ā€“ # Gnuradio enabled components
ā€“ ######################################################
ā€“ * Python support
ā€“ * sysmocom OsmoSDR
ā€“ * FUNcube Dongle
ā€“ * IQ File Source & Sink
ā€“ * Osmocom RTLSDR
ā€“ * RTLSDR TCP Client
ā€“ * RFSPACE Receivers
ā€“ * SoapySDR support
ā€“ * Red Pitaya SDR

ā€“ ######################################################
ā€“ # Gnuradio disabled components
ā€“ ######################################################
ā€“ * Osmocom IQ Imbalance Correction
ā€“ * FUNcube Dongle Pro+
ā€“ * Ettus USRP Devices
ā€“ * Osmocom MiriSDR
ā€“ * HackRF & rad1o Badge
ā€“ * nuand bladeRF
ā€“ * AIRSPY Receiver

Ok, I thought you meant changes were needed to gqrx.

Anyway, as written elsewhere on this forum, the PPA is now updated and gr-osmosdr is built without UHD support until we resolve that issue.

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Rebuilt my system with Ubuntu 16.04 (Wily) and installed LimeSuite and SoapySDR first and then applied the procedure on your website for GQRX. Running SoapySDRUtil Iā€™m able to see my Lime - itā€™s there and working. Iā€™m not able to start a LimeSDR session with GQRX (even with ā€”> driver=lime,soapy=0) and getting the following error(s):

gr-osmosdr v0.1.x-xxx-xunknown (0.1.5git) gnuradio 3.7.10
built-in source types: file osmosdr fcd rtl rtl_tcp uhd miri hackrf bladerf rfspace airspy soapy redpitaya
[ERROR] SoapySDR::loadModule(/usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.5-2/
duplicate entry for lime (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/SoapySDR/modules0.5-2/
[INFO] Make connection: ā€˜LimeSDR-USB [USB 2.0] 9060B00461418ā€™
Estimated reference clock 30.7195 MHz
Selected reference clock 30.720 MHz
[INFO] Device name: LimeSDR-USB
[INFO] Reference: 30.72 MHz
[INFO] Init LMS7002M(0)
LMS7002M values cache at /home/marty/.limesuite/LMS7002M_cache_values.db
[INFO] Ver=7, Rev=1, Mask=1
[INFO] LMS7002M calibration values caching Enable
[INFO] SoapyLMS7::setFrequency(Rx, 0, BB, 0 MHz)
[INFO] SoapyLMS7::setFrequency(Tx, 0, BB, 0 MHz)
[INFO] SoapyLMS7::setAntenna(Rx, 0, LNAL)
[INFO] SoapyLMS7::setAntenna(Tx, 0, BAND1)
[INFO] SoapyLMS7::setGain(Rx, 0, PGA, 0 dB)
[INFO] SoapyLMS7::setGain(Rx, 0, LNA, 0 dB)
[INFO] SoapyLMS7::setGain(Rx, 0, TIA, 0 dB)
[INFO] SoapyLMS7::setGain(Tx, 0, PAD, -50 dB)
[INFO] SoapyLMS7::setSampleRate(Rx, 0, 10 MHz), CGEN=80 MHz, ADC=20 MHz, decim=2
ConnectionSTREAM::ConfigureFPGA_PLL(tx=20MHz, rx=10MHz)
[INFO] SoapyLMS7::setSampleRate(Tx, 0, 10 MHz), CGEN=80 MHz, DAC=20 MHz, interp=2
ConnectionSTREAM::ConfigureFPGA_PLL(tx=10MHz, rx=10MHz)
[INFO] SoapyLMS7::setBandwidth(Rx, 0, 30 MHz)
SetFrequency using cache values vco:0, csw:117
SetFrequency using cache values vco:0, csw:141
SetFrequency using cache values vco:2, csw:0
SetFrequency using cache values vco:2, csw:0
[INFO] SoapyLMS7::setBandwidth(Tx, 0, 30 MHz)
[ERROR] setBandwidth(Tx, 0, 30 MHz) Failed -

<ā€¦and other stuff>

Have you ever run across this and know the fix? Appears thereā€™s some kind of duplicate entry in SoapySDRā€¦Please advise if you know what the fix for this is.

73 de Marty, KN0CK

Stock PPA should work. Just tested it briefly. This error is showing conflicting files from the PPA and source build. Could be the case for libraries on the system too, but they wont be as telling in terms of the verbose. Can you remove any older stuff you may have installed from source builds?

Rebuilt my system with Ubuntu 16.04 (Wily)

Xenial 16.04 right? The PPA isnt kept up to date for wily, which is think is dropped at this point.


You are rightā€¦16.04 is Xenial. My crumbling memory is in a blender with all the versions Iā€™ve been rebuilding. If I was to remove the correct file (or does it matter which one) where would do that - or is this an entry in some config file? Iā€™ll go make it happen, but if you can give me some guidance before I work it that would make me more comfortable. Right now, itā€™s like 'ā€¦cutting the blue wireā€¦" to me. :slight_smile:

Keep me tuned-in, Josh,

73 de Marty, KN0CK

@joshblum, @martywittrock

Iā€™m using the latest code from git, so not quite PPA builds, and it works as long as I keep the sample rate 5 MHz and above. Below 5 MHz I get crashes like:

[INFO] SoapyLMS7::setAntenna(Rx, 0, NONE)
[INFO] SoapyLMS7::setSampleRate(Rx, 0, 4 MHz), CGEN=512 MHz, ADC=128 MHz, decim=32
ConnectionSTREAM::ConfigureFPGA_PLL(tx=4MHz, rx=4MHz)
[INFO] SoapyLMS7::setBandwidth(Rx, 0, 3 MHz)
SetFrequency using cache values vco:0, csw:117
SetFrequency using cache values vco:0, csw:139
SetFrequency using cache values vco:0, csw:114
SetFrequency using cache values vco:0, csw:114
[ERROR] setBandwidth(Rx, 0, 3 MHz) Failed - CFB_TIA_RFE step size out of range
terminate called after throwing an instance of ā€˜std::runtime_errorā€™
what(): CFB_TIA_RFE step size out of range
Aborted (core dumped)

I get the same exception if I try to use sample rate > 5 MHz with narrow bandwidth settings.

But sample rate 5+ MHz and auto bandwidth (=0) seems to work.


Iā€™ll try that, too, once I get this conflicting Soapy issue:

[ERROR] SoapySDR::loadModule(/usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.5-2/
duplicate entry for lime (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/SoapySDR/modules0.5-2/

ā€¦repaired on my 16.04 (Xenial) fresh install. Right now awaiting a little more guidance from @joshblum. More on this when I have the first hurdle overcomeā€¦

73 de Marty, KN0CK

You have to get rid off stuff in /usr/local/ as this is where things you compile from source are installed by default. The PPA supplied library is /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/SoapySDR/modules0.5-2/

Do you have an explanation for why you have source builds on your freshly installed system?


Sure doā€¦Hereā€™s why (see screenshots):

From this link ----> You get instructions to do the following to set up LimeSuite:



After thatā€™s complete, I tested LimeSuite to make sure it ranā€¦It did successfully. So then I did this:

ā€¦And thatā€™s how I installed everything in 16.04. Pretty sure thatā€™s how the issue startedā€¦

Let me know if Iā€™m wrong on any of that, Alex,

73 de Marty, KN0CK

@martywittrock it appears that you missed the text in bold at the top of that page:

Please note that you should either install Lime Suite via a pre-built package/installer (2) or build it from source (3) and not do both.

Iā€™ve just added similar notes in bold to sections (2) and (3) also.


I installed LimeSuite from source, compiled, and tested it - ran fine even though the PPA carried it at the beginning. The issue Iā€™m having is from multiple (2) instances of a SoapySDR file that are colliding when GQRX is started - Alex has given me guidance on how to fix that and Iā€™ll work that after my workday is over today. But LimeSuite has consistently installed and played fine even though it technically is getting installed twice (from what I now see). I was under the impression that there were other LimeSuite files that were installed prior to compiling, but no matter, itā€™s worked everytime Iā€™ve rebuilt my system from 15.04 and up.


Marty (KN0CK)

Things may work if you have source and package builds installed at the same time, but the moment things start going wrong this is the first thing Iā€™d suspect ā€” itā€™s a recipe for headaches.

On my computer with windows 8 , Gqrx works well with AirSpy .But if I run Gqrx with driver=lime,soapy=0 it crashs. My LimeSDR works well with SDR-Console V3 . Whatā€™s wrong with Gqrx with LimeSDR ? Can Gqrx run with LimeSDR on windows ?

I would guess sample rate or bandwidth setting (thatā€™s what can cause it to crash on linux), but I donā€™t run gqrx on windows, sorry.


Alex is right - - if you attempt to run GQRX on Windows and have the sampling rate less than 10,000,000 ( to make that 10 Msps) and the bandwidth set below 100,000,000 (to make that 100 MHz) then GQRX will crash either in Windows or under Linux. Itā€™s a ā€˜known issueā€™ in SoapySDR and thereā€™s been talk that itā€™ll be fixed at some point. So for now, use the following settings:

Device String: driver=lime,soapy=0
Input Rate: 10,000,000
Bandwidth: 100,000,000

Then itā€™ll play fine then and it wonā€™t crash.

73 de Marty, KN0CK

Thank you @martywittrock , I just make Gqrx work in windows with Input rate 40,000,000 and bandwidth : 0 ( default ) .It play fine and wonā€™t crash

Thank you your recommend