LimeSDR, switch RF-Connectors

how can I switch between the Coaxial RF ( U.FL ) Connectors RX1 ( H , L , W ) and RX2 ( H , L , W ) ?

Best Regads


Using which application or API?

I use SDRConsole(V3) and LimeSuiteGUI .

Best Regards


Pretty sure SDR Console has options to select the antenna, but any questions on this are probably best directed to its forum at:

In LimeSuiteGUI you can select RX input and TX output, via the RFE and TRF tabs.

You did not ask about Gnu Radio, but for other readers information. Use the Osmocom source with Device Arguments:


for CH 0 Antenna enter LNAL, LNAH or LNAW depending on which U.FL port you have connected:

• LNAL - from 0.1 MHz to 2000 MHz. Gives a noise figure <2dB.
• LNAH - from 1500 MHz to 3800 MHz. Gives a noise figure <3dB.
• LNAW - from 0.1 MHz to 3800 MHz. Gives a noise figure 5-7dB.

If you want to use 2 Rx channels enter 2 in “Num Channels” and fill out the data for ch1.

Expect to have to futz with RF, IF and BB gain to get a good signal. In GRC it is easy to add a GUI widget to give you knobs to adjust these. For broadcast signals I expect to set RF gain on the high end, but YMMV.

The Osmocom sources and sink can be fond in the out of tree group “(no module specified)” > Sources or Sinks in the blocks listing.


sorry, but I have not understand what you have written.
My English is not very good too.

I use the LimeSDR ( v1.4s ) with the SDRConsoleV3.

How can I switch between the Coaxial RF ( U.FL ) Connectors RX1 ( H , L , W )
and RX2 ( H , L , W ) ?
In the SDRConsoleV3 — Home — RX Antenna , I can switch between None , H , L , W
but always the connectors RX1_H or RX1_L or RX1_W are connected.

How can I switch to RX2_H , RX2_L and RX2_W ?

Best Regads


Karl, I’m only speaking to use use with using Lime with Gnu Radio, not SDRConsoleV3.