Over the past couple of days, I’ve taken to rooting an LG G3 smartphone and installing Ubuntu Xenial (16.10) OS on that Android phone. After that, I loaded all the dependencies for LimeSuite along with the app itself. After successfully compiling the LimeSuite application in terminal, I connected an OTG cable to my LG G3 phone and then connected the LimeSDR-Mini to that. Once I saw that the LimeSDR-Mini was powered, I launched the LimeSuite app and began to check if the app could see the 'Mini. It did and the pictures that follow will bear that out.
Next up…Installing SDRAngel (if possible) on that same smartphone and continuing the research…Stay tuned…!
73 de Marty, KN0CK
P.S - I want to go on record that the much longer game plan is to get this all working as an Android APK and not have to do any rooting on phones at all. But for the purpose of investigation and feasibility, this platform will serve that purpose to ensure no time is wasted. 73 de KN0CK