With all the fussing about the LimeSDR not being what was expected, I started wondering what can be done to make it more of what I would want in a multichannel SDR and I got to thinking about changes to components on the board that make it so unfriendly to the hobbyist. Time to openly think about modifying the hardware to move it from a cell band gismo to ham radio hardware. When life gives you lemons make lemonade, we have a lime so lets make limeade.

Larry in El Paso

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Hopefully you still have your LimeSDR - I still have mine but, like you, I’m getting weary waiting for the applications that will make the Lime more useful for the majority of backers that are Hams. Being a hardware guy, I have designs in the queue for a PA, LPF, and even a multiband electronically tuned preselector on the drawing board, but the apps have been glacial getting transmit to function. I thought we Hams had a nice shot with SDRAngel, and I still think it’s got a chance to be first to be useful for HF/VHF/UHF, but I’m not sure there’s too much that can be done to the underlying LimeSDR other than putting toys around it to be more ‘rig-like’ (like those previously mentioned). Changing the hardware on the Lime itself is kind of a nonstarter because of its topology and density, but putting things outside of it is definitely worth doing to make it useful for the bands of interest. When things start working for transmit voice I’m going into high gear to start making those toys because the Lime really is a good foundational layer for a transceiver, especially the dual channel, full duplex capabilities - that’s a perk.

Don’t give up hope yet - there’s work on three fronts (and I’m working on a fourth) that are attempting to get the SW working for transmit to round out that part of it. But, like you, there’s a limit and even I’m approaching it. No other SDR kept an audience waiting this long to be functional with apps other than GNU Radio Companion and Pothos…

Keep the faith - - 73 de Marty, KN0CK

I have some good ideas. I am both a software and a hardware hacker (intuitive and empirical design engineer). As soon as I get mine I believe I will have a lot of this figured out. As long as I can keep from zapping my Lime.

  1. All-mode, all-band, full-duplex, half-duplex, simplex transceiver.
  2. In band and cross band repeater.
  3. RF signal sniffer/decoder.
  4. Spectrum analyzer and tracking generator and VNA.

Some of these applications could be in one chassis together. The problem being the differing input/output needs.
Most of this is already developed to a usable state.
Two weeks to go…


Yes I have it. I am not as enthused as I once was. I just got an Anan 8000DLE. Could be the a full loaded Icom 9100 looking for a new home. I have noticed some minor frequency errors on 2 SSB that won’t exist with a SDR rig.

73, Larry WB8LBZ
El Paso

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That makes two of us…Well, not the buying a new rig part… :slight_smile: ! #HangInThere

73 de Marty, KN0CK