ERROR: TuneVCO(CGEN) - failed to lock (cmphl!=0)

I was following this quicktest, selecting the LimeSDR Mini is OK, but when I open the self_test.ini file, it failes with these errors :

[18:38:01] DEBUG: INT 66, FRAC 786432, DIV_OUTCH_CGEN 3
[18:38:01] DEBUG: VCO 2081.28 MHz, RefClk 30.72 MHz
[18:38:01] DEBUG: csw 254; interval [254, 254]
[18:38:01] ERROR: TuneVCO(CGEN) - failed to lock (cmphl!=0)
[18:38:01] ERROR: SetFrequencyCGEN(260.16 MHz) failed
[18:38:01] DEBUG: M=234, N=6, Fvco=1268.280 MHz
[18:38:01] ERROR: SetPllFrequency: timeout, busy bit is still 1
[18:38:01] DEBUG: M=252, N=7, Fvco=1170.720 MHz
LimeUtil --info
## LimeSuite information summary

Version information:
  Library version:	v18.04.0-release
  Build timestamp:	2018-04-08
  Interface version:	v2018.3.0
  Binary interface:	18.04-1

That guide is for LimeSDR USB, so it’s .ini file is not going to work for LimeSDR Mini, it needs different settings.

ok (should be specified in this online documentation) -> is there a quicktest for LimeSDR Mini ?
I’ve seen there is a huge post with similar error -> let’s start a new one with a clear step by step quicktest for LimeSDR Mini with LimeSuiteGUI.

As far as I know, no.

I guess this one should be directed to @andrewback

There is a standalone self-test utility for Windows. See:

Thank you @andrewback, but my platform is OS X 10.12.6 :wink:

This post covers Windows only.

@Zack, do we have a Linux/Mac version of this utility in the works?

@andrewback, We do not. But will create source code GitHub repository.

Is there an update on this? Any non-Windows quick- or self- test for the LimeSDR mini? @Zack

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A post was split to a new topic: LimeSDR Mini LimeQuickTest failure