Board & schematics

So, I got the free Altium viewer. I can look at the board. I cannot export.
I would like to get the output networks on LTSpice & try for a bit more optimization.
Altium can export ACCEL ASCII & Eagle can import it.
Maybe, this way, average users can play with the board, some.
So, my request is to get the full LimeSDR USB exported in the ACCEL ASCII format, if possible.
Altium is just too pricey for tinkering.

Thank you,

Hi @AA7QQ,

Here are ASCII files uploaded. Could you confirm you can open the files. If you are OK with them, I will upload to github.

Hi @AA7QQ,

Any update on this?

I have tried, repeatedly with no success. I will give it to our Code guy at work to see if he can. The strange thing is that they do not have the .ASC or similar extention.
I will report back in a couple days. Been with the flu for several days.

Thank you,

Hope you will recover soon!

We never did it before. Hence if you have instructions on how to generate required files, let me know.

This is where they are talking about it. I bet you would be better off reading it, rather than me trying to convey it. It’s not a complete success yet, but I hope to fill the gaps manually, if needed.

Thank you,