Do you know if there would be an interest in having uMyriadRF-LMS7002 kit with a FMC interconnect?
The “DESIGN KIT FOR LMS7002M” costs $3,300 - not a low cost experimentation kit.
Is this the same as the uMyriadRF-LMS7002 mentioned below?
I imagine there would be some, but couldn’t say as to precisely how much demand. Do you mean the uMyriadRF-LMS7002 with its uRFDIO connector replaced with FMC, or a board that transitions from the former to the latter?
Indeed and it is what I guess you might regard as more of a “classic” eval/dev kit, aimed at equipment vendors and providing features that might prove beneficial in developing your own board. E.g. tons of measurement points.
No. The LMS7002M EVB / UNITE board is not a Myriad-RF project.
Whereas an RF module that is part of the Reference Development Kit is characterised by being open source hardware and including an RFDIO connector or the micro variant of this.
I’ve seen the Zipper board (2013 dated) and I’m guessing it is not in production any longer.
A RFDIO to FMC conversion board would work fine (following FMC VITA-57 standard) since it would have a small form factor. It would be similar to what Cypress provides for their low-cost kits: CYUSB3ACC-005 FMC Interconnect Board.
I’ve not found the uMyriadRF-LMS7002 board for sale, is it in production?
This is for an experimentation with LTE and the motivation would be to send i/q samples directly to a Xilinx FPGA which would have openair lte phy synthesized with Xilinx HLS (high level synthesis, from C to RTL).
I don’t think it is available to buy at present, but will double check.
Very cool. Is the reason for using a Xilinx FPGA and not being able to use LimeSDR due to insufficient FPGA resources and/or some hard cores you’d like to use?
Synthesizing openair lte phy C to RTL would require a large Xilinx FPGA and it is probably the most challenging aspect of this idea. I wish Eurecom folks had tried this before and provided a synthesizable lte phy code.
I suspect the small Altera FPGA in LimeSDR-USB doesn’t have resources to handle hardware accelerators (2048-point FFTs, Turbo Decoders, etc).
Another option is to use Xilinx-FPGA + [CYUSB3ACC-005 FMC adapter] + CYUSB3KIT-003 to get samples directly into the Xilinx FPGA via USB3 from LimeSDR-USB. I already have the Cypress kit ($49+$49) and LimeSDR-USB to start this endeavor.
All the parts are available and well documented (Cypress kit, LimeSDR and openairinterface5G) and an integration effort would be required (making the parts to talk to each other). The major effort would be to synthesize the lte phy C code directly into the FPGA. I have access to FPGA and Xilinx HLS tools, so this looks like a great learning experience. Keeping in mind that this is just an experiment to learn.
Ubuntu would run openair2/openair3 software, while openair1 (lte phy processing) would run in the FPGA which is controlled via PCIe by Ubuntu.
If we had a RFDIO to FMC conversion board, the Cypress kit would not be needed and we would get more samples to the FPGA without having USB3 as a middle man.
The uMyriadRF-LMS7002 reference kit would provide samples directly into a large XILINX FPGA running openair1 lte phy.
I was looking for an RF frontend suitable to be plumbed directly into an FPGA for SDR and found mention of the uMyriadRF-LMS7002. I’m guessing though, seeing as there was no response from Andrew and this thread is one of the few hits searching the web, that the uMyriadRF-LMS7002 is still unavailable?
I’ll check with colleagues, but I think this never went into production.