Register test Vtune failed

I have connected the Myriad RF with de0-nano board to a Windows 7 PC with USB and when executing the register test it says that the VTUNE register test failed.

Testing TxRF SPI, Mask 0xAA:
Module test with this pattern is OK.
Testing TxRF SPI, Mask 0x55:
Module test with this pattern is OK.

Testing RxFE SPI, Mask 0xAA:
Module test with this pattern is OK.
Testing RxFE SPI, Mask 0x55:
Module test with this pattern is OK.

Testing RxLPF SPI, Mask 0xAA:
Module test with this pattern is OK.
Testing RxLPF SPI, Mask 0x55:
Module test with this pattern is OK.

Testing RxLPF SPI, Mask 0xAA:
Module test with this pattern is OK.
Testing RxLPF SPI, Mask 0x55:
Module test with this pattern is OK.

Testing TxLPF SPI, Mask 0xAA:
Module test with this pattern is OK.
Testing TxLPF SPI, Mask 0x55:
Module test with this pattern is OK.

Testing TxPLL SPI, Mask 0xAA:
Module test with this pattern is OK.
Testing TxPLL SPI, Mask 0x55:
Module test with this pattern is OK.

Testing RxPLL SPI, Mask 0xAA:
Module test with this pattern is OK.
Testing RxPLL SPI, Mask 0x55:
Module test with this pattern is OK.

Testing Top SPI, Mask 0xAA:
Module test with this pattern is OK.
Testing Top SPI, Mask 0x55:
Module test with this pattern is OK.

Testing TxPLL VTUNE registers:
Some problems with VTUNE registers:
VTUNE_H (should be/acctual): 1/1;
VTUNE_H (should be/acctual): 0/1;
VTUNE_L (should be/acctual): 1/1;
VTUNE_L (should be/acctual): 0/1;

Testing RxPLL VTUNE registers:
Some problems with VTUNE registers:
VTUNE_H (should be/acctual): 1/1;
VTUNE_H (should be/acctual): 0/1;
VTUNE_L (should be/acctual): 1/1;
VTUNE_L (should be/acctual): 0/1;