Hi everybody,
I am using LimeSDR mini (the old version) to run the LTE eNB from openairinterface5G. I followed the steps suggested in LimeSDR installation – 4G and 5G reference software and I am using the file LimeSDR_Mini_below_1p8GHz.ini as in trx-lms7002m/config-limeSDR/LimeSDR_Mini_below_1p8GHz.ini at master · myriadrf/trx-lms7002m · GitHub . It seems that LTE eNB runs OK as shown bellow, but there is not signal at LimeSDR mini output. Could someone help me to find what is wrong? Thanks, Sindi.
[PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 4992 (bw scaling 2), dlsch->harq_processes[5] 0x7f5dca6d9040
[PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 4992 (bw scaling 2), dlsch->harq_processes[6] 0x7f5dca685040
[PHY] Required DLSCH mem size 4992 (bw scaling 2), dlsch->harq_processes[7] 0x7f5dca631040
[PHY] init_eNB_proc(inst:0) RC.nb_CC[inst]:1
[PHY] Initializing eNB processes instance:0 CC_id 0
[PHY] eNB->single_thread_flag:0
[UTIL] Creating thread L1 stats with affinity -1 and priority 1
[HW] [SCHED][eNB] eNB_thread_prach started on CPU 1, sched_policy = SCHED_FIFO , priority = 99, CPU Affinity= CPU_0 CPU_1 CPU_2 CPU_3 CPU_4 CPU_5 CPU_6 CPU_7
[HW] [SCHED][eNB] eNB_thread_prach_br started on CPU 0, sched_policy = SCHED_FIFO , priority = 99, CPU Affinity= CPU_0 CPU_1 CPU_2 CPU_3 CPU_4 CPU_5 CPU_6 CPU_7
waiting for sync (L1_stats_thread,-1/0x55b6081451c8,0x55b608742a20,0x55b608741c60)
[ENB_APP] ALL RUs ready - ALL eNBs ready
[ENB_APP] Sending sync to all threads
[MME_APP] Creating MME_APP eNB Task
got sync (L1_stats_thread)
[UTIL] Creating thread TASK_MME_APP with affinity -1 and priority 50
got sync (ru_thread)
Connecting to device: LimeSDR Mini, media=USB 3.0, module=FT601, addr=24607:1027, serial=1D751379EE2345
[ITTI] Created Posix thread TASK_MME_APP
[LIBCONFIG] MMEs.[0]: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
[MCE_APP] Creating MCE_APP eNB Task
[UTIL] Creating thread TASK_MCE_APP with affinity -1 and priority 50
[ITTI] Created Posix thread TASK_MCE_APP
[ENB_APP] [MCE 0] MCE_app_register via M3AP for instance 0
[LIBCONFIG] MCEs.[0]: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
[LIBCONFIG] MCEs.[0]: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
Reference clock 40.00 MHz
[LIBCONFIG] loader.enbscope: 2/2 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
shlib_path libenbscope.so
[LOADER] library libenbscope.so is not loaded: libenbscope.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Set sample rate 15.360000 MHz
Set TX frequency 760.500000 MHz
RX LPF configured
Filter calibrated. Filter order-4th, filter bandwidth set to 15.36 MHz.Real pole 1st order filter set to 2.5 MHz. Preemphasis filter not active
TX LPF configured
Rx calibration finished
Tx calibration finished
SR: 15.360 MHz
SR: 15.360 MHz
[PHY] RU 0 rf device ready
[PHY] RU 0 Starting steady-state operation
[RLC] rlc_tick: discontinuity (expected 0.1, got 0.4)