Myriad RF1 standalone mode

Hi All,
I like to try the RX functions of LMS6002D, and just wander if it’s possible to program the Myriad RF1 thru GUI without using digital interface board and FPGA board.
Thank you very much!

Hello Axie,

You can. It is called stand alone mode. You will get access to all LMS6002D SPI registers via X6 connector on Myriad RF board. Though, some USB to SPI converter required (Arduino can be used). Having all this, you can control registers with GUI.


HI Andrew,
Thank you very much for the quick reply, what kind Arduino board do I need to get?
Do you have detailed instruction on how to run this stand alone mode?
Best Regards,

Hello Andy,

I think any type of Arduino could do, for simple USB to SPI translation.

Here is link to document describing stand alone mode:

Chapter 3.8 Standalone Mode


Hi Andrew,
One more question, to run Myriad RF1 at standalone mode, shall I use ctr_6002_myriad
or control_LMS6002?

Hello Andy,

Use ctr_6002_myriad!
