@Ramsin Yes, this seems to have been removed completely. In addition I am missing the later parts of the following:
You, Myriad RF, major RF specialists, I allow you to make a request for assistance for me and surely many other people from the LimeSDR community
Allow us to operate the LimeSDR in HF reception in good conditions instead of letting the SDR languish at the bottom of a closet.
This would also be a very commercial and beneficial way for you not to let us down
Objective: Allow to receive in very good conditions the spectrum HF from 100 KHz
This only starts from the two entry points which are RX1…
It is well specified and several times in your argument that the LimeSDR is intended for a hole less range from 100 KHz to 3.8 GHz
There are 6 reception inputs
currently the receipt entries are:
RX1 L = 700 MHz - 900 MHz
RX1 H = 2 GHz – 2,6 GHz
RX1 W = 700 MHz – 2.6 GHz
RX2 L = 700 MHz - 900 MHz
RX2 H = 2 GHz – 2,6 GHz
RX2 W = 700 MHz – 2,6 GHz
Why not have planned RX1 L and RX2 L with beginnings of HF ranges of which one at 100 KHz?
The input transformers RX1 L and R2X L are currently…
Cuba was booming last night @ 6.165MHz and 26.165MHz. with LPF only.
Should be nothing heard @26MHz.
Sent -73dBm signal (5 and 9 translation) to modified LNA_L (EasyFix2) input using SDR Console v3.0 Preview. To get same reading( -73dBm) @ SDR Console v3.0 Preview following settings used:
Settings: LNA PGA TIA
Freq 1.92MHz -1 Max 0
3.65MHz -30 -3 -2
7.20MHz -30 -3 -12
14.2MHz -27 -12 -12
21.2MHz -27 -12 -12
28.2MHz -27 -12 -6
Separate observation:
I do not know how to look them up in Google cache - all I could find was a version of the site from yesterday.
I would really appreciate a clarification of community rules and issues that may not be discussed here. But then I believe this was just one unfortunate glitch.