LimUtil --update scrogged - how to start over?

Anything I do in LimeSuiteGUI for the programming gets segfault - kind of thrashing around without instructions :slight_smile: Plug the board in after powercycle nothing appears, but if I push the little button it at least appears as:

Found device 0
addr = 04b4:00f3
driver = lime
label = WestBridge [USB 2.0] 4BE
media = USB 2.0
module = STREAM
name = WestBridge
serial = 0000000004BE

In the above state:

root@OSCompute1:~# LimeUtil --fw=“/root/.local/share/LimeSuite/images/17.01/LimeSDR-USB_HW_1.3_r3.0.img”
Connected to [WestBridge [USB 2.0] 4BE]
Unsupported hardware connected: UNKNOWN[HW=0]
[ 0%] 0/186040 Bytes Programming failed! Write operation failed
Programming failed! : Programming failed! Write operation failed