Limesuite NG installation instructions for Windows 11 - LimeSDR mini 2.0

OK, I feel really dumb asking this question, but… how are you replying in line with previous messages?

On Windows, the USB driver allows multiple applications to be connected to the device. So you can actually connect limeGUI and use it to change parameters and experiment while the GRC graph is running. (CLKGEN/sampling rate should not be modified while the data streaming is active, as fluctuation in clock may cause garbage or data shift in streaming protocol.)

Select text in origin message, and “Quote” button appears.

quote=“ricardas, post:22, topic:8566”]
On Windows, the USB driver allows multiple applications to be connected to the device. So you can actually connect limeGUI and use it to change parameters and experiment while the GRC graph is running. (CLKGEN/sampling rate should not be modified while the data streaming is active, as fluctuation in clock may cause garbage or data shift in streaming protocol.)

That sounds great. I may have some setup issues. I started GRC and began listening to my favorite station, then opened the LimeGUI and tried to connect to the device. Usually I refresh the device list and then select the one I have. For some reason I can’t get through that operation. I can connect when the graph is stopped.

I tried connecting through the LimeGUI first, with GRC open and the flow graph stopped. That works. But when I then try to start the flow graph, it does not start. Here is the GRC log for that event:


Generating: “C:\Users\ngriesert\OneDrive -\Documents\”

Executing: C:\Users\ngriesert\AppData\Local\radioconda\python.exe -u C:\Users\ngriesert\OneDrive -\Documents\

[WARNING] SoapyVOLKConverters: no VOLK config file found. Run volk_profile for best performance.
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_05E3&PID_0626\5&2DF84CF0&0&3’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_413C&PID_2516\5&2CDBCAF7&0&2’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_0BDA&PID_8153\000000’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_25A4&PID_9311\000000000001’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_0403&PID_601F&MI_00\7&2600C16&0&0000’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\ROOT_HUB30\4&338DE6A&0&0’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\ROOT_HUB30\4&2C12E962&0&0’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_045E&PID_0904\6&3159788E&0&3’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_045E&PID_0C53\200901010001’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_0403&PID_601F\1DA1611071A013’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_413C&PID_2516&MI_02\6&49BA6E8&0&0002’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_413C&PID_2516&MI_01\6&49BA6E8&0&0001’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_413C&PID_2516&MI_00\6&49BA6E8&0&0000’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_045E&PID_0902\6&3143EAF4&0&1’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_05E3&PID_0610\6&CD312D3&0&2’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_045E&PID_07C6\000001000000’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_045E&PID_0C53&MI_02\6&4618B80&0&0002’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_045E&PID_0903\6&3159788E&0&1’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_045E&PID_0C53&MI_00\6&4618B80&0&0000’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_1A40&PID_0801\5&2CDBCAF7&0&6’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_045E&PID_0901\5&2CDBCAF7&0&1’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_045E&PID_0900\5&2CDBCAF7&0&13’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_8087&PID_0032\5&2CDBCAF7&0&10’
[INFO] Make connection: ’ [USB]’
[ERROR] Failed to list USB Devices
[ERROR] Failed to open device
[ERROR] Failed to open. Device is busy.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\ngriesert\OneDrive -\Documents\”, line 275, in
File “C:\Users\ngriesert\OneDrive -\Documents\”, line 253, in main
tb = top_block_cls()
File “C:\Users\ngriesert\OneDrive -\Documents\”, line 86, in init
self.soapy_limesdr_source_0 = soapy.source(dev, “fc32”, 1, ‘’,
RuntimeError: Failed to make connection with ‘, media=USB, module=FT601, index=0’

Done (return code 1)


I did find the way to save to a .ini file. Thank you.

Oh, LimeSDR mini is using libusb driver on Windows, libusb supports only one application at a time to connect to device.
I was thinking about the LimeSDR-USB board, it’s default Cypress FX3 driver allowed multiple connections.
Anyway, that means you’ll have to use .ini files for custom configurations.

Hello, I just tried referencing the .ini file using:

LOAD_CONFIG=“C:\Users\ngriesert\OneDrive -\Desktop\GNU Radio\LimeSDR_LNAH_Fs_2p4M.ini”

The log below indicates:
[ERROR] LoadConfig(“C:\Users\ngriesert\OneDrive -\Desktop\GNU Radio\LimeSDR_LNAH_Fs_2p4M.ini”) - file not found

I have tried putting the file in different locations and have double checked paths (copy and pasted), and don’t see an error. Any advice?


Generating: “C:\Users\ngriesert\OneDrive -\Documents\”

Executing: C:\Users\ngriesert\AppData\Local\radioconda\python.exe -u C:\Users\ngriesert\OneDrive -\Documents\

[WARNING] SoapyVOLKConverters: no VOLK config file found. Run volk_profile for best performance.
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_413C&PID_2516\5&2CDBCAF7&0&2’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_0403&PID_601F&MI_00\7&2600C16&0&0000’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\ROOT_HUB30\4&338DE6A&0&0’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_2109&PID_0815\5&2DF84CF0&0&2’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\ROOT_HUB30\4&2C12E962&0&0’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_045E&PID_0904\6&3159788E&0&3’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_2109&PID_8817\0000000000000001’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_045E&PID_0C53\200901010001’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_0403&PID_601F\1DA1611071A013’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_413C&PID_2516&MI_02\6&49BA6E8&0&0002’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_413C&PID_2516&MI_01\6&49BA6E8&0&0001’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_413C&PID_2516&MI_00\6&49BA6E8&0&0000’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_045E&PID_0902\6&3143EAF4&0&1’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_045E&PID_07C6\000001000000’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_045E&PID_0C53&MI_02\6&4618B80&0&0002’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_045E&PID_0903\6&3159788E&0&1’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_045E&PID_0C53&MI_00\6&4618B80&0&0000’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_045E&PID_0901\5&2CDBCAF7&0&1’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_2109&PID_2815\5&2CDBCAF7&0&5’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_045E&PID_0900\5&2CDBCAF7&0&13’
libusb: info [get_guid] no DeviceInterfaceGUID registered for ‘USB\VID_8087&PID_0032\5&2CDBCAF7&0&10’
[INFO] Make connection: ‘LimeSDR Mini [USB 3] 1DA1611071A013’
[INFO] Reference clock 40.00 MHz
[INFO] Device name: LimeSDR-Mini_v2
[INFO] Reference: 40 MHz
[INFO] LMS7002M register cache: Disabled
[ERROR] LoadConfig(“C:\Users\ngriesert\OneDrive -\Desktop\GNU Radio\LimeSDR_LNAH_Fs_2p4M.ini”) - file not found
[INFO] RX LPF configured
[INFO] Selected RX path: LNAW
[INFO] Rx calibration finished

I suspect the problem is Windows paths use ‘\’ as separator, which means somewhere the characters might get escaped (meaning \n become new line symbol instead of two letters). Try either replacing ‘\’ with “\\”, or ‘/’ symbols.