I have been able to clone the repo, open the project in quartus 15.1.2 Build 193 02/01/2016 SJ Lite (i.e lms7_trx.qpf), and compile. I have not made any gateware changes yet, so it should be the base fpga code, but seem to be failing timing already. Each model Slow 1200mV 85C, Fast 0C, slow 0C, have issues making timing.
I will say I come from the Xilinx world, so am learning the specifics of Quartus, but I would image that the base example shouldn’t fail timing? Is there something I am missing here or that someone would recommend?
Even though the build has timing errors, it seems that the LimeSDR is still operating with correctly. Passing self tests, producing RF when data is sent. Still makes me nervous to continue but so far it has been alright.
My question would be, when you guys build it, do you (or anyone in the community) get timing errors or is it just me?
I downloaded and installed Quartus Prime Lite Edition Version 15.1.0 Build 185, with Cyclone IV device support and then installed the update to patch it to 15.1.2 Build 193. I then downloaded and extracted the zip file for the “LimeSDR-USB_GW” master branch from github. Double clicked on “lms7_trx.qpf” and ran a compile and got the same timing messages as you showed in the image in your original post highlighted in red.
I just assumed that it was because there are three fundamental clock sources on the LimeSDR-USB board: XO2 (VCTCXO 30.72MHz ±1 ppm initial; ±4 ppm stable - mostly used by LMS7002M ), XT1 (19.2MHz ±30ppm - FX3 probably needed for DFU mode, I’m not sure I’ve not looked into it at all) and XT2 (25MHz ±20ppm which is fed into a clock generator, Si5351C, to provide timing almost everywhere else that is digital) and that the human designers knew more than the Quartus Prime software at least when it came to timing in their design. (ref: LimeSDR-USB hardware description - Myriad-RF Wiki ; the schematic and Bill Of Materials). I did not bother to look into it at all, because I felt that I would need to fully understand the datasheet for the EZ-USB FX3, the EP4CE40F23C8N FPGA, the public document of the registers in the LMS7002M chip and I’d also need to read and fully understand all the gateware code. And learn my way around Quartus Prime a bit better than I currently do. At least one of the signals, to me anyhow, looks like it may be unused outside the FPGA FX3_PCLK_VIRT_OUT, but like I’ve said I’ve not looked into it at all.
Thanks for the answer, its relieving to know it wasn’t just me. Yeah I think your assumptions are most likely correct and the designers didnt feel the need to constraint certain clock or something like that. Ill be digging around the design so if I change anything that fixes timing issues Ill try to put a post about it.
A quick search for “site:intel.com quartus version 15.1” returns a link to the "Product Discontinuance Notification - ADV 2011 - Discontinuance of Selected Intel® Quartus® II Software Subscription & Web Editions ":
“Intel® is announcing the discontinuance of all older versions of Intel® Quartus® II software Subscription Edition and Intel Quartus II software Web Edition released from 2002 through 2013 (except Intel Quartus II software Subscription / Lite Edition versions 13.1.4 and 13.0 SP1, which will remain available). The versions covered by this announcement include all variants of these versions that support different operating systems.”
My guess is that 13.1.4 and 13.0 SP1 are used by the military/government contractors, so it will probably be good for another 20-50 years
I must have downloaded it just before they removed it.
EDIT: 2013 should not include 15.1 (2015), but I can not find a “Product Discontinuance Notification” that explicitly mentions “Quartus Prime Lite Edition Version 15.1.0 Build 185” or the year 2015. A search in the intel download center for fpga software gives the oldest version, excluding 13.0SP1/13.1.4, is currently “Intel® Quartus® Prime Lite Edition Design Software Version 17.0”. So Intel are probably deleting Quartus software that is older than 5 years.