LimeSDR under SDR-Console

Well, sad to hear. SDR-Console is one of those packages that makes me question not using Windows for my station PC.

I didnā€™t buy the enclosure - plastic enclosures are of no use at all. I bought the good metal enclosure for my B200, thatā€™s worth having.

Is there are OpenCL support? I have a PC for video editing that runs Windows, with a decent GPU, albeit not CUDAā€¦

No, just CUDA.

Simon works in Windows and has for some time ā€¦


I pulled this down just now and will test it when I get home for HF. Do I have to uninstall the other versions or just load this one on, too? Please advise when you get a chance - thanks,

de Marty, KN0CK

What was the error? I just tried loading recent images on my v1.2 which I had put away. LimeUtil --update worked beautifully. If there are any remaining issues with the loader, I would like to fix them before tagging a new release and making binaries.

After updating, the LimeUtil --make should report:

Device name: LimeSDR-USB
  Expansion name: UNSUPPORTED
  Firmware version: 3
  Hardware version: 2
  Protocol version: 1
  Gateware version: 1
  Gateware revision: 20
  Gateware target: LimeSDR-USB


Itā€™s proper software, no need to uninstall,


All good - Iā€™ll install it this evening and give it a whirl. I have it on my Flash Drive now to take home. Standby for more news as I have it.

73 de Marty, KN0CK


Iā€™ll have to update my primary Linux machine this evening to install the latest LimeSuite and perform this unless I can do the same thing from a Windows Commandline - please advise on that, Josh.

73 de Marty, KN0CK

Yes please try latest limesuite on a linux machine, built from source. Iā€™m curious to see if the v1.2 behaves the same or not.

There was a fix for downloading images under windows, and my current installer will cause an error until new one is updated. If thats the error that you were referring to.


Okay - Iā€™ll do my best to perform a straight update to what I have on my Linux box this evening while Iā€™m checking out Simonā€™s SDRConsole on my Windows box. Once thatā€™s completed, Iā€™ll try the update of V1.2 hardware on my Linux box to see if it updates better than from Windows. When I tried to do the update from Windows (which caused errors) I was using the LimeSuite tools to do that auto-update - - thatā€™s when it errored-out.

More to follow later - stay tuned,

73 de Marty, KN0CK


Simon installed and running on 1.4 and works good on 2.5-20mhz on the i3 laptop, havenā€™t had a chance to run on the beast radio PC yet, but so far so goodā€¦down to 30mhz through 1ghz, havenā€™t tried higher yetā€¦


I did notice there is a new img file 1.4r2.6.rbf, should this be installed?


Answered my own question, installed HW1.4r2.6.rbf, no issues, and at 10Msps, Iā€™m not seeing any FM images above 108mhz, before I was getting BFM signals repoeated at around 110-120mhz, so that seems OK now, but I did see some images at 32mhzā€¦ And obviously no HF yet, but seems more stable here and same gain settings as before and it seems a little better rx, but still way down on the RSP and even my RTLv3, could be antenna issuesā€¦ I did have a bad sma to .fl cableā€¦ Will continue to testā€¦



Iā€™m seeing NO FM images in the HF band like before and what I do see is random and AM-like (main carrier with sidebands that raise and then fall quickly - may have bearing on a tune procedure - - but not annoying, they do disappear). And like Paul is seeing, there is no HF but we know thatā€™s forthcoming.

GOOD JOB ON THIS RELEASEā€¦!! Enthused about whatā€™s aheadā€¦

73 de Marty, KN0CK

For the HF tuning, as anyone put in a test tone and checked in the spectrum where it shows up? Here is a 17 MHz tone showing up correctly in GQRX (my laptop was struggling to keep up) . The tuning checks out, 20 MHz center frequency was requested, the LO is set to 30 MHz, and the NCO is set to -10.

That must be WWV on the left edge ā€¦


Paul wrote that he is seeing HF - please confirm this with Paul.


Iā€™m seeing HF on my new V1.4 HW Lime (able to tune there) but Iā€™m not seeing activity yet - I think thatā€™s forthcoming in the FGPA loads, right? I may be a little behind since Iā€™m also playing with updating my Linux box now, too. Let me know if Iā€™m not up to date here - 73 de Marty, KN0CK