Limesdr mini with SDRsharp

i have hackrf and same sdr# instance works perfectly with it (as well as rtlsdr dongle).
i saw ‘issue’ in goran’s git and his reply.

add: just retested with your latest release plugin, dsd interface and tetra. none of those receive samples. only native sharp audio output works.

yes indeed, DSD plugin for some reason does not receive an audio stream, and it is not clear why

also native plugins like zoom fft empty input too. in signal diag plugin - i think it can receive ‘full iq’ but no ‘filtered if’ if that’s helpful.
i just tuned my new mini perfectly, your frontend works great at 30msps with my old i7 laptop and i’m happy. but this bandwidth just teases me with ability to run tetra monitor and dsd plugin.
thank you!

For education purpose only: install C# decompiler, decompile SDR#.exe and find init function for main screen. You will find list of priviledge hardware, others are loaded from plugins config files without possibility to be equally functional to the first group. Maybe this will be changed in future?

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ah crap. access value of loadsource must be >0 for it to become fftsource? that it?
(just subing dll names don’t work - it just doesnt show in the list)
going to attempt to further educate myself using dnspy

okay, she rides. educationally patched the func itself, and it works. tetra too. one weird thing is when i play start i get ‘cant open limesdr device. is it locked somewhere?’ twice. i press ok twice and it works. it. works. i guess little patch on netdog’s end and there won’t be any. sadly i have no c# env set up to compile and test my idea.

Hi. Could you tell your exact settings and FW GW HW versions of the board? I’ve got an i5-7200U on my laptop, and it seems to have enough power to process all the data, but after 8.192 Msps I’m starting to get strange glitches in audio.

My specs when trying netdog’s plugin with patched sdrsharp:
Lenovo laptop with mobile i7 and 8gb ram. USB3 port.
20msps - easy, no glitches. 30msps - some glitches.
I have 1.2 mini with 1.30 gatew

Oh, so could I try your patched SDR#?

It seems to me that 8 MSPS This is not so little for such a processor.
Try the 64-bit version of sdrsharp with a fresh sdrsharp-limesdr x64 frontend
Releases · netdoggy/sdrsharp-limesdr · GitHub

Skymos says, said that the performance of such a solution has increased by 30 percent and even more.
But I did not compare.

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Can confirm - weak Atom tablet struggles with 3msps at 32bits, almost flawless 6msps using 64bit. With mobile i7 (rather old lenovo laptop) i get decent 19.2 at x32 and perfect 30 at x64, almost does 40msps but audio crackles start and cpu use tops 100%.
So 64 is definitely better.
Both machines tested with usb3.0. Additional thanks to netdog for extended troubleshooting, general effort and quality! Love that ‘transfer rate’ counter at the bottom!

Unfortunately the frequency manager and the NetRemote does not work with LimeSDR Mini (with this pluin).


SDR# do not send new Frequency to the LimeSDR frontend when you click on memory text. It is working fine for RTL based device so my conclusion is: Frequency manager working fine but SDR# for some reason do not treats equally all frontends.

AIRSPY, RTL-SDR, HackRF, FunCubeDongle working, only LimeSDRMini not.

Decompile SDR#:

this.LoadSource(“AIRSPY”, (IFrontendController) new AirspyIO(), int.MaxValue);
this.LoadSource(“AIRSPY HF+”, (IFrontendController) new AirspyHFIO(), int.MaxValue);
this.LoadSource(“Spy Server”, (IFrontendController) new SpyServerIO(), int.MaxValue);
this.LoadSource(“UHD / USRP”, “SDRSharp.USRP.UsrpIO,SDRSharp.USRP”, 10);
this.LoadSource(“HackRF”, “SDRSharp.HackRF.HackRFIO,SDRSharp.HackRF”, 10);
this.LoadSource(“RTL-SDR (R820T)”, “SDRSharp.R820T.RtlSdrIO,SDRSharp.R820T”, 10);
this.LoadSource(“RTL-SDR (USB)”, “SDRSharp.RTLSDR.RtlSdrIO,SDRSharp.RTLSDR”, 10);
this.LoadSource(“RTL-SDR (TCP)”, “SDRSharp.RTLTCP.RtlTcpIO,SDRSharp.RTLTCP”, 10);
this.LoadSource(“FUNcube Dongle Pro”, “SDRSharp.FUNcube.FunCubeIO,SDRSharp.FUNcube”, 10);
this.LoadSource(“FUNcube Dongle Pro+”, “SDRSharp.FUNcubeProPlus.FunCubeProPlusIO,SDRSharp.FUNcubeProPlus”, 10);
this.LoadSource(“SoftRock (Si570)”, “SDRSharp.SoftRock.SoftRockIO,SDRSharp.SoftRock”, 10);
this.LoadSource(“RFSPACE SDR-IQ (USB)”, “SDRSharp.SDRIQ.SdrIqIO,SDRSharp.SDRIQ”, 10);
this.LoadSource(“RFSPACE Networked Radios”, “SDRSharp.SDRIP.SdrIpIO,SDRSharp.SDRIP”, 10);
this.LoadSource(“AFEDRI Networked Radios”, “SDRSharp.AfedriSDRNet.AfedriSdrNetIO,SDRSharp.AfedriSDRNet”, 10);

This is the list of radios who is received all commands from SDR# directly or additional plugins. Magic line for LimeSDR is:
add key=“LimeSDR” value=“SDRSharp.LimeSDR.LimeSDRIO,SDRSharp.LimeSDR”
If anyone know how to fully utilize LimeSDR frontend capability this is the right place. Write to the author of SDR# and ask for clarification.