Lime Mini V2 - Low Frequency Works


I am new to the Lime Mini V2. Is it possible to listen to 2M AM radio and transmit (TX) on a 500 kHz frequency?

Also, is there a consultant available for hire or support for custom applications?

Thank you.

If you mean 2MHz, that’s a pretty low frequency and so probably not. At least not with good performance anyway.

Again, no, or not with good performance anyway.

You need an upconverter if you want to receive frequencies below 10 MHz (or whatever the Lime stops at). I bought one of these guys for $60 and I’ve had great success with it all the way down into the KHz. It basically works via moving the lower frequencies up by 125 MHz, meaning that a 2 MHz AM signal will show up in my SDR at 127 MHz. I’m sure something similar exists for downconverting so that you can TX as well.