How to use two or more LimeSDRs independent in the same time?

I noticed that when I’m connecting two of my LimeSDR in the same time, they got indexes 0 and 1. I’m addressing hackrf via “hackrf=0” & “hackrf=1”. However I can’t adressing LimeSDR by this way. How can I do this? I’m trying to use 3 osmo-trx at the same time

what OS are you using? I got two Limes “working” on one ubuntu machine at the same time. I say that in quotes because they were both responding to the driver and soapy ok, but my experiment was unsuccessful.

use the serial number e.g. Selecting RF port on LimeSDR

I use Ubuntu too

I try

sudo ./osmo-trx-uhd -C ~/osmo-trx.cfg -a “driver=lime,soapy=0,serial=00090706024XXXXX”

however I got this:

Wed Jun 6 00:22:42 2018 DMAIN <0000> UHDDevice.cpp:662 [tid=140227996534720] No UHD devices found with address ‘driver=lime,soapy=0,serial=00090706024A332D’
Wed Jun 6 00:22:42 2018 DMAIN <0000> osmo-trx.cpp:446 [tid=140227996534720] Failed to create radio device
Shutting down transceiver…

If I’m connecting one board I can adress by this command, however if I’m connecting second one, I got this error

Is soapy device 0, the device with serial number 00090706024AXXXX ?
My interpretation of the command you used would be to select only soapy devices that use the “lime” driver, use soapy device 0 that uses the lime driver and furthermore it must have the serial number 00090706024AXXXX.

To me, that looks like Soapy can’t see the correct second device.
Can LimeUtil find the second device and if it can, then can SoapySDRUtil see the device ? ( )

Are you using the right soapy number in your command ?

LimeUtil --find

    [LimeSDR-USB, media=USB 3.0, module=STREAM, addr=1d50:6108, serial=00090706024AXXXX]
    [LimeSDR-USB, media=USB 3.0, module=STREAM, addr=1d50:6108, serial=0009070105C6XXXX]

SoapySDRUtil --find=“driver=lime”

Found device 0
addr = 1d50:6108
driver = lime
label = LimeSDR-USB [USB 3.0] 90706024AXXXX
media = USB 3.0
module = STREAM
name = LimeSDR-USB
serial = 00090706024AXXXX

Found device 1
addr = 1d50:6108
driver = lime
label = LimeSDR-USB [USB 3.0] 9070105C6XXXX
media = USB 3.0
module = STREAM
name = LimeSDR-USB
serial = 0009070105C6XXXX

Is their any way to use two LimeSDR natively vie LimeUtil(LimeSuite)? I’m trying to use 2 osmo-trx-lms at the same time, however after staring first, I’m getting:

Mon Jun 25 13:15:15 2018 DMAIN <0000> LMSDevice.cpp:49 [tid=140137162682176] creating LMS device…
Mon Jun 25 13:15:15 2018 DMAIN <0000> LMSDevice.cpp:99 [tid=140137162682176] Opening LMS device…
Mon Jun 25 13:15:15 2018 DMAIN <0000> LMSDevice.cpp:119 [tid=140137162682176] LMS_GetDeviceList() failed)
Mon Jun 25 13:15:15 2018 DMAIN <0000> osmo-trx.cpp:453 [tid=140137162682176] Failed to create radio device
Shutting down transceiver…

in the second.
For now I’m trying to adressing via serial number

LimeSuite allows you to use two device at the same time, however as far as I can tell osmo-trx-lms always selects the first device.


So it’s useless to use dev-args serial in osmo-trx-lms, doesn’t it?

Currently it does not, the code is a work in progress so it may be added at a later date.
The way I would look at it, is if it is something that YOU want right now, maybe write the code, test it and submit a diff patch to their mailing list.

My quick speed read through the code makes me think that it accepts command line arguments (args), but ignores them and then scans for devices, opens device 0 if found.

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@mzs @IgnasJ Great thanks for your answers! I got all Information I needed.