Selecting RF port on LimeSDR

@bardia1990 This may sound strange to try, but it looks like gr-osmosdr also expects the user to add nchan=2 to the device arguments:


  // try to parse device specific nchan values, assume 1 channel if none given

  BOOST_FOREACH( std::string arg, arg_list )
    dict_t dict = params_to_dict(arg);
    if (dict.count("nchan"))
      dev_nchan += boost::lexical_cast<size_t>( dict["nchan"] );
    else // no channels given via args
      dev_nchan++; // assume one channel

  // if at least one nchan was given, perform a sanity check
  if ( max_nchan && dev_nchan && max_nchan != dev_nchan )
throw std::runtime_error("Wrong device arguments specified. Missing nchan?");

I think the hardware was supposed to set nchan from the find arguments or the user is supposed to pass this in. Not entirely sure. Try this for device arguments:


So I think nchan is the number of hardware channels, and numchan is the number of requested channels on the gr-osmosdr block.