
Hi, is there any way to synchronize Myriad RF board with measurement equipment in order to eliminate frequency error?

This can be done using interface board together with Myriad RF board. The interface board has frequency synthesizer on board, which one of its output connects to J6 connector. Program this output to be 10 MHz CW and connect it to measurement equipment, where it says, REF IN. Once it done, your se-tup frequency error is calibrated.

I am using the MyriadRF board in standalone mode and trying to feed clock via the X8 connector. Are there any requirements for the input clock signal ?


The X8 (external clock) connector directly connected to the CDCV304 buffer. Link to datasheet below:

Personally, I was driving this buffer directly form signal generator. The signal power was +10 dBm, which corresponds to + 2V Vmax.
