Windows 10, 50MHz Bandwidth

I’m currently running a LimeSDR with 50MHz bandwidth on Windows 10, USB 3.

Not just 50MHz bandwidth but massive FFT oversampling to enhance the resolution and exercise the computer, computing 320 million FFT bins/second.


Excellent support from the Lime software specialists.


Simon - If you have s screenshot of that running, I’d like to see it.

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In a week or so, got to iron out a bug here and there…

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Simon, I’m looking for setup information on FFTviewer for Win 7, 8, or 10. Any suggestions? Thx.

Sorry, no. I only use my own code.

I can probably help you there since I’ve used it A LOT when I was testing the LimeSDR in the 2m Amateur Radio band. What issue do you need covered on it…? Lemme know -


Hi Marty,
I want to extract the audio chirps from meteor bounce signals in a couple of weeks. This is a first step – then I want to display on a waterfall. I’m using RASDRviewer and RASDRproc, derived from FFTviewer. Do you know how to do this, beginning with FFTviewer, or preferably, with the Windows software in the LimeSuite? If I absolutely must enter the Linux swamp, what’s the best route to extracting the reflected RF from a distant transmitter?


Right now, there are two useful applications to perform what you’re wanting to do: SDRConsole and GQRX. Both will tune the range you’re seeking and would also have a spectrum display/waterfall to view activity. I have an environment built, as well as a procedure, to make this work on Linux or Windows using GQRX with the LimeSDR using the current distro Xenial (Ubuntu 16.04).

The stand-alone application for Windows that is exceptional and works excellent with the LimeSDR is called SDRConsole that Simon Brown is working on. I have early Betas of that application and it would do a marvelous job for what you’re wanting to do and works on Win10.

Let me know if you need anymore info on this, Fieldsde,

73 de Marty, KN0CK

I’d like to have a look at SDRConsole if possible. Have you comments on Pothos vs GQRX approaches?

Also – are you using LimeFFT, and if so, how do you invoke LNAW?

fieldsde at aoldotcom


I’m the author of SDR console. If you have a LimeSDR and are happy with a preview then I can invite you to my test team.


Good to see that Simon can help you with SDRConsole - it’s a GREAT app and I know that you’ll be impressed with its performance with the LimeSDR.

In terms of Pothos and GQRX, I’ve been using GQRX for the past 3 months on my Linux platform with the LimeSDR and have had great luck with it receiving in the V/UHF range. It’s also intended to operate HF eventually, but I need to get with the LimeSDR team and determine if the drivers for HF have matured to the extent that they can be tested with GQRX to tune and listen in the HF range. I’m planning on doing that within the next 3 - 5 days and will report back on that on this forum.

I’ve not had a chance to play with Pothos and I think it supports both Windows and Linux - it has the ‘look and feel’ of what GNURadio Companion is for the rest of the SDRs out there and looks like it’s easily built/integrated with functional blocks like GRC is, too. I would think for the purpose of system development, waveform (radio modes) research, and experimentation Pothos would work great, but as a stand-alone application for the purpose of monitoring or transmitting it wouldn’t be as flashy as SDRConsole or other apps like that as they emerge. Again, while I haven’t played with it yet, I have played with GNURadio Companion enough to know that Pothos would be a great research tool because of it’s ease of reconfiguration like GRC.

Hope this information helps - let me know if you need any more info, David - thanks,

Marty (KN0CK)

Hi Marty,

[quote=“martywittrock, post:11, topic:394, full:true”]
I’ve not had a chance to play with Pothos and I think it supports both Windows and Linux - it has the ‘look and feel’ of what GNURadio Companion is for the rest of the SDRs out there and looks like it’s easily built/integrated with functional blocks like GRC is, too.[/quote]

Just to note that you can equally use GNU Radio Companion with LimeSDR, and in the same way Pothos with other SDRs. Neither is SDR hardware-specific.


Good to know…I figured that Lime would be supported under GRC and good to know that flowmaps from other SDRs I’ve played with (HackRF) could be applied using those apps (GRC and Pothos). Sample rates will be different, but existing flowmaps for receive and transmit could be quickly applied.

Thanks again for the heads-up, Andrew,



I’m not sure I fully answered your question a few days ago - so here goes…

I’m not using LimeFFT but I am using GQRX with the LNAH port. I have yet to play with the LNAW port since (from what I read on this forum) it’s used for RF ‘sniffing’ and may not be the most sensitive port of all of them. I’ve been sticking mostly with the LNAH port for what I’ve been listening to (FM Band and into the aircraft and VHF public service bands up to 175 MHz). I’m planning to also check out the UHF band with it, too, and may opt to switch over to the LNAW port to see what its performance is like. Stay tuned for more on this as I play with it, too…


Marty, Andrew and Simon,
Thanks for commenting on the capabilities of LimeSDR, Pothos and GQRX – this is helpful. Marty, aren’t you using LNAL instead of the LNAH input for your VHF and HF-upconversion measurements?

Simon, thanks for your kind invitation to contribute to the SDR console effort. I’ll certainly accept when I receive my LimeSDR.

Best regards,


Originally I was using the LNAL port, but when further info was reported on the LNAH port (which seemed to support a little better overall gain - especially where I HF Upconvert the HF band to 120 MHz so it can tune 120.5 to 176 MHz for 0.5 to 56 MHz coverage) I started using the LNAH port and it seemed better in performance - - but either one will work. The transverter I’m building for the Lime (if necessary) and other SDRs will work with either port (LNAL or LNAH).

73 de Marty, KN0CK

Thanks for explaining the use of LNAH even down into the VLF band.

Your transverter is a very nice package for opening up the 0.5-56 MHz coverage. I was impressed that you could fit it inside an RTL-dongle case. If you can find a source of 400MHz crystals then you might adapt the design to myriad-RF based receivers, such as RASDR2 and BladeRF.

Best regards – 73,


You know, I hadn’t thought about that…I may look into that, too…

I used my ‘Version 4’ design completely for the RTL-SDRs as the basis for the receive side of the transverter, and then used most of the same design (just the low pass filter at the mixer output to constrain everything to the HF band) for the transmit side. I’ve checked out the receive side with my LimeSDR and it works great. I’m planning to check out the transmit side this evening to verify that the design of the transverter works. The current board design allows for a prototyping area and I may just insert a simple MOSFET driver stage that I’m also using for the Red Pitaya T/R board that I’m nearly complete on designing to allow the LimeSDR to drive up to 1 - 5W output - those RD16HHF MOSFETs are wonderful for HF use from 160m to 6m. So be looking for that shortly, too. The final spin of the transverter will be about the same size as the LimeSDR in width, and about 1/2 to 2/3 shorter in length when it’s done - - easily connected to the LimeSDR and installed along with the Lime in the Hammond chassis I have now that you can fit in the palm of your hand.

Thanks again for the info on the Ettus boards, David,

73 de Marty, KN0CK