What if crowd funding fails?

I have no idea,but I’m hoping for the best.

~$25k to go. Fingers crossed.

23.7k to go … at the moment I feel we could make it. I hope that my previous estimation was too pessimistic!
I wish us all good luck :wink:


6000 more guys.LimeSDR will be a reality

one more unit and some change and we’re there! assuming no cancellations.

Funded!! Congratulations everyone… it was a roller-coaster, with days when it didn’t look like its going to happen, but thanks to the combine efforts of the LimeSDR team and the supporting community, it came true. This is a beginning of what is called a disruptive technology. Truly SDR for the masses. More good things to come im sure…


YEAH!!! I love it when I am too pessimistic!

Thank you guys for your support!!!


Guess this a mute subject now, just looking forward to Nov/Dec


Just quick question… Did your credit cards is already charged with the pledges? Mine was not and I am wondering if it is a problem on my site or crowdsupply didn’t do it yet?

my card is also not charged up to now.

My bank account (using debit card) also has not been charged yet…

UPDATE: I have just received email from CrowdSupply, that payment has been successfully processed.

I still was not charged :slightly_smiling:

I think, they do it in the sequence of orders. I did first only order a 10$ pledge, that is now charged from my card, 1 week later i ordered a board, which is yet not charged.

I had two pledges. One for the two boards in the first early bird batch, and a second for a set of antennas. The first pledge was billed today, the second hasn’t been billed yet. The second pledge was much later in the campaign. I suspect they are doing them in order. My son’s pledge from later in the campaign hasn’t been billed yet.

Btw, any payment and related questions should be directed to Crowd Supply, as they’re taking care of this.

This looks very good. That works. I am very confident.