As a newbie on limesdr I installed limesuite and tested limesdr usb version and later I downloaded gnuradio and osmocom drivers etc via sudo commands but when I tried to connect the sdr and open the gnuradio sink and source, ubuntu gives a failure message What should I do to fix this issue? I appreciate for any help
You’ll have to be a bit more specific about your problem. What is the error message you’re receiving?
If you’re using the OsmoSDR sink inside of Gnuradio, you’ll have to use the right device args along with a valid sample rate and bandwidth. You’ll probably also want to specify which antenna to use by using one of the following ‘LNAL’,‘LNAH’, or ‘LNAW’ for low, high, or wide frequency band.
For example, you can test functionality from the command line like …
Hmmm, so SoapySDR and LimeSuite are okay. Osmocom_fft is working correctly from the command line. It looks like you are using gnuradio 3.7.9 still. You may want to want to reinstall gnuradio along with gr-osmosdr using the Ubuntu PPA like this.
I deleted the gnuradio companion and reinstall from the soapy source and now when I plug the limesdr grc works but cant see any signal those I can see with osmo fft viewer