Unable to download waveform testfiles

I am unable to download waveform test files from:


I consistently get ‘Failed - network error’

I can download the two ‘ini’ files and they look ok. But when I try to use them with my Limesdr-mini I get a delay and then get an ‘Unable to read file’ message from LimeSuite.

I am using Ubuntu 18.04 and LimeQuickTest gives me:


LimeSuite information summary


Version information:
Library version: v19.01.0-myriadrf1~bionic
Build timestamp: 2019-02-08
Interface version: v2019.1.0
Binary interface: 19.01-1

System resources:
Installation root: /usr
User home directory: /home/dave
App data directory: /home/dave/.local/share/LimeSuite
Config directory: /home/dave/.limesuite
Image search paths:
- /home/dave/.local/share/LimeSuite/images
- /usr/share/LimeSuite/images

Supported connections:

  • FT601
  • FX3
  • PCIEXillybus

What is up?


It looks like something complex is being done instead of using something quick, easy and free like letsencrypt.org