Trying to get started on OSX. Self-test doesn't work. Doesn't fully work on windows either

I just received my limesdr today. I installed the LimeSuiteGUI using brew on OSX. I am running version 17.02.2-release. I connected to the limesdr board. I loaded the self_test.ini, pressed gui->chip. Pressed SXT and then calculate and get a popup that it did not work:

SetFrequencySXR(2140 MHz) - cannot deliver frequency
INT: 0	FRAC: 0
VCO: 4280MHz	RefClk: 6.94838e-310 MHz
VCOL : csw=0 tune fail
VCOM : csw=0 tune fail
VCOH : csw=0 tune fail
	Selected : VCOH

Do the instructions on work on OSX – I was blindly following them…



I tried on Windows 8 and the process works better. However, after a couple of seconds of running the FFT viewer and getting (roughly) the picture in the docs, it freezes and I header the windows chirp that indicates that a device has dropped off the USB. Is this normal?

However, I can restart it by disconnecting and then reconnecting the USB device (not physically, but just in the limesuitegui), so I’m not entirely sure what is going on.