Hi all,
I’m trying to procure a LimeSDR PCIe version.
All I can find is ordering one from CrowdSupply.com, which indicates “Orders placed now ship Mar 31, 2022.”.
Does anyone know if I could one “used” board somewhere?
Does anyone know if they will really ship on March 31, or has an update on this?
I have one nearly new and fully functional if you wish. The reason I sell it is that in our project we have switched to the USB version.
If you are interested, contact me by private message.
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Hello Realone414,
Sorry for you: I have reached an agreement with Chris.
I got no other offer from this forum, it seems to be difficult to find those boards.
Also, I think that if anyone tried to build a new batch, some of the parts are now “End Of Life” and will be hard to find…
I hope there are plans to build a refreshed version of the LimeSDR PCIe.
@Realone414 , you may have a look with the XTRX SDR (on Crowdsupply), they are made of the same core SDR chip by Limemicro, but with a different enclosure and a different firmware yet. So, close but not same…