Hey guys, I’m using the Lime in my final year project and I need to put in a few details about the antenna I’m using. If I can get a hold of a better antenna before the deadline, I’ll switch. But having a few tests with this one won’t hurt.
So I need a few credible sources that I can cite that tell me things like the frequency response, gain and maybe noise figure. Any idea where I would find one of these for these antennas?
Alternatively, is there an antenna similar to this that I can compare it to?
Alternatively, is there an antenna similar to this that I can compare it to?
Well, according to the description on crowdsupply:
Antennas are omni-directional
Antennas tuned to the major bands: 800-960MHz / 1710-2170MHz / 2400-2700MHz
Unfortunately there are no details regarding gain, structure (whip / spiral / …) etc. I believe you can compare these antennas to any antenna designed for same frequencies. Lots of antennas are available on EBay and AliExpress.