SODIRA Software

Anyone tried this on there lime looks good program and very small you dont need to install it just run right away only you need to used zadig so the sodira detect your card.



One other note…You have to be using the right ExtIO DLL for the LimeSDR (that @jocover developed and does exist) to make that operate with SODIRA. I’ll try it this evening and report back - stay tuned…!

73 de Marty, KN0CK

On my side Sodira is running but I am not able to use mir_sdr_api.dll
for SDRPlay…
Hope for better luck on your side Marty :wink:

PS here may be the solution / older version but who knows

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@9a4db - Djani,

Can you post a pic of it working with the Lime - curious to see what the screen looks like on HF. Agree that it’s a kick in the pants that no DLL exists for the SDRPlay…I have an RSP-2 and would have liked to check that out.

Keep us all posted - thanks for the checkout on that, Djani,

73 de Marty, KN0CK

So far I am able to receive 41 m AM broadcasting :smiley:
Here ->


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@9a4db - Djani,

MAJORLY COOL…!! I need to try this tonight on my Lime - if not by Sunday night…Stay tuned and thanks for the pics…!

73 de Marty, KN0CK

Here’s the English translation of the German PDF Handbook for SoDiRa:

73 de Marty, KN0CK

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TNX Marty
now can hear LSB :smiley:

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Now LimeSDR + SDRPlayRSP1 running both, it was my fault :wink:

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