Replacement USB cable?

Hello, I was having some weird intermittent trouble with one of my two LimeSDRs and USB under Ubuntu. It turns out that the USB cable is bad. This hasn’t been abused, or had many cycles of plugging/unplugging. There are no signs of physical damage to the cable. How do I go about getting a replacement?

Please contact Crowd Supply.

Thanks. I dropped them a message. Does anyone know if this is a custom USB cable, or if there are other cables that can be substituted? I seems to be a “USB3 for signal with additional power from USB2” setup, and I wonder if there’s just one way to do this, and I might be able to get spares elsewhere.

Indeed, it’s a pretty standard cable. To date I’ve only ever had to use a normal single plug cable.

So, something like this should work fine?

Here using this one on both of my LimeSDR units…
male A to female A extension 1 m with clip on RFcore

Looks nice, but my PC doesn’t seem to put out enough power through the USB 3.0 port alone. The RF choke might be useful. I assume the one you have is a ferrite toroid in the middle of the cable.