Not sure if its just my board, but I am seeing continuous random noise on TX1_1 on power up. The noise peaks to about 2 volts peak to peak and is only a few cycles long, then it goes quite for random period and then repeats.
The board I have is v1.4s and has the following firmware versions. Firmware: 3, Hardware: 4, Protocol: 1, Gateware: 2, Gateware rev: 8
I do not see any noise on the other TX ports.
The noise seams to stop once the driver connects to it.
Close up of noise pulse
Has any one else seen this noise or is it just my board?
So after all this time I am still seeing this noise. It is only present on first power up and once a self test is run or the device is run the noise is no long on the tx ports.
The board I have is v1.4s and has the following firmware versions. Firmware: 4, Hardware: 4, Protocol: 1, Gateware: 2.20
Since the first post of this bug I now see it on TX2_1.
TX1_1 Time domain
TX1_1 Frequency domain
TX2_1 Time domain
TX1_1 Frequency domain
I don’t believe this is a fault with my board as the behaviour changes with software state.
Has any one else experienced this bug?