New Quick Start Guide

Which RF ports to use, installing Lime Suite and testing etc.



Nice work on this - Great start. I’m sure there will be more added as we go along, but this will answer A LOT of the newbie questions right out of the chute and it’s also extensible to the programming part that is especially important for new users.

73 de Marty, KN0CK

Hi all. When testing packet MIMO as it was outlined in the LimeSDR-USB Quick Test procedures i observed the following results. (pls. see the picture attached). I was wondering if my results are consistent with the user base. They are certainly not consistent with the picture i saw in the wiki. Note the noise floor is different as well as there is a discrepancy between the noise floor for the A and B channels. What could contribute to such a difference? This is a loop back so i assume a front end interference should be minimum or at least it should be equal to A and B channels?

Quick start page not working, error message: ‘Cannot contact the database server’.

Thanks for spotting this - restarted MySQL earlier!