Missing library

well thanks a lot, including the new limesuite.dll has reduced all those warnings and errors as declared at Missing functions.

But now i still get the following errors and warnings:

Warning: The function ‘LMS_Disconnect’ was not found in the library

In loadlibrary at 402
In limeSDR>limeSDR.build_thunk at 127
Warning: The function ‘LMS_IsOpen’ was not found in the library
In loadlibrary at 402
In limeSDR>limeSDR.build_thunk at 127
Warning: The data type ‘FcnPtr’ used by function LMS_Program does not exist.
In loadlibrary at 402
In limeSDR>limeSDR.build_thunk at 127
Warning: The data type ‘FcnPtr’ used by function LMS_ProgramUpdate does not exist.
In loadlibrary at 402
In limeSDR>limeSDR.build_thunk at 127
Warning: The function ‘LMS_ProgramUpdate’ was not found in the library
In loadlibrary at 402
In limeSDR>limeSDR.build_thunk at 127
Warning: The data type ‘FcnPtr’ used by function LMS_RegisterLogHandler does not exist.
In loadlibrary at 402
In limeSDR>limeSDR.build_thunk at 127

Missing functions:

Error using limeSDR.build_thunk (line 144)
Failed to find the above functions in libLimeSuite.