Hello MyriadRF and fellow RF Enthusiasts, I may be in a bit of a pickle here, and need some advice.
I have LimeSDR Mini, used it several times for very basic RF experiments, like tuning FM radio and sweeping
CB bands, but nothing more, basically getting myself familiar with SDR portion of RF trade.
This week I decided to put together dedicated linux machine to experiment with, and followed one of the guides to
properly set things up. Guide recommended running “LimeQuickTest” or “LimeQuickTest --gui” application to test the board, which I did and found out that it does not pass first segment of the test.
Here’s relevant portion of test log:
->Start time: Fri Feb 1 08:52:02 2019
->Device: LimeSDR Mini, media=USB 3.0, module=FT601, addr=24607:1027, serial=1D424B338C0E6C
Serial Number: 1D424B338C0E6C
[ Clock Network Test ]
->REF clock test
Test results: 62890; 10551; 23748 - PASSED
->VCTCXO test
Results : 6711019 (min); 6711019 (max) - FAILED
->Clock Network Test FAILED
To note, couple things, before running this test I ran firmware upgrade, which went without issues and even though board is getting failed test status, it works fine for basic experiments.
I want to understand the severity of my problem, and any possible solution that I can try.
I’ve trie looking around Wiki for VCTCXO calibration procedure, and found many references that it’s possible, but couldn’t find any step by step ones.
Also, looked over at github at detailed instructions, but unfortunately that’s a deep end of things for me and I’m quite lost there.
How screwed am I?
Thank you.