LimeSuite calibration through digital baseband?

I don’t understand what is meant by “calibration through digital baseband” in regard to the parameter “CFB_TIA_RFE”, “Feeback capacitor for TIA. Controls the 3dB BW of the TIA. Should be set with calibration through digital baseband”
Not critical atthis point; but curious if related to the topic “Rx Filter tune failed with high TIA gain”


@Zack should be able to advise, but note also that with Lime Suite 20.10 there is a new gain setting behaviour, which simplifies this and avoids configuring gain distribution such that it results in calibration failure. To enable this you would need to build from source and configure with the cmake option:


The behaviour is currently experimental, but this may become the default behaviour with a future Lime Suite release.

Thanks for the tip. I am checking into the feasibility of using the LimeSDR as a built in continuous system noise temperature monitor which requires linearity over a 30 dB range, and very good gain stability such that once calibrated, reloading parameters from an ini file and changing frequency maintains a known gain at a particular ambient temperature. I don’t have a great deal of confidence that this is the correct approach. I may have to recalibrate the SDR with a calibrated noise source periodically during operation.