LimeSdr-USB Heating inside metal case pondering

I have been wondering about a heat riser dimensions from the GPU and Radio to the case … it makes sense to me to use the case as a heat-sink …

Why transfer heat to the inside air, then from the inside air to the inside of the case, then from the case to the outside air !!!

Iv been thinking of how to make very close measurement my self … and all i can come up with is using 2(3??) toothpicks that are rubber cemented to the case == GPU then also Radio ( not necessarily as a single block ) …

Make the connection so that it can accordion(SP) in some way … and put fresh/wet glue on the toothpicks and put the case on and let it dry ( with the ends off ) open it up after it dries … toothpicks come out easy from rubber cement ( i hope )