I’m trying to view/modify the LimeSDR USB Gateware. The github says that I can use the free version of Quartus. I downloaded and installed Quartus Prime Lite 15.1, but when I try to open lms7_trx.qpf I’m getting a pop up window that says: “This project uses the Quartus Prime Pro Edition compilation directory structure. It can only be opened in the Quartus Prime Pro Edition.” Any ideas how I can fix this issue?
This is quite strange, while gateware project is created and compiled using Prime Lite 15.1. One differene though is that in our case there is patched version up to 15.1.2. Would suggest to install Quartus patch and then try to compile again.
I got it working! I followed what you said, but I also realized that when I tried to open the project in Quartus 20.1, which I have, this may have messed it up. As you’re probably aware, The IPs are compatible with 15.1 and trying to compile in 20.1 will not work.