FWIW my board is now running with the latest git code. Just going to try an antenna…
,…and it works.
Will make kit for you to try.
FWIW my board is now running with the latest git code. Just going to try an antenna…
,…and it works.
Will make kit for you to try.
Tried that, no luck…
64-bit kit: [Clicky here]
Uses the latest GIT code, updated as per Andrew’s (RTFM) help, only tested with a v1.2s board.
Listening to Ian Dury on BBC Radio 2…
Note - if both LNA and TIA gains are at Max it doesn’t do anything, must be a bug or something…
Let me know if it works please.
I just noticed, my device string was actually “soapy=0,driver=lime” … I don’t know if order matters here. Also, did you try every combination/permutation of sample rates and bandwidths?
I also may have had Lime Suite open and the example.ini loaded before I tried. I’m sorry I didn’t keep better track of my order of operations.
Hopefully @SimonG4ELI’s kit just works. This is exciting, and making me eager to get home!
Trying on a 1.4 board now…
My tests show this is not as robust as the previous API code.
^^^ Ignore this, dog kicked a cable out of the PC.
Maybe the API doc changed, will check tomorrow. Attached is a screenshot of FM Stereo.
It works, but I’m not getting ant signals, I’m on rx1_L antenna, let me play with the gain settings… But this is the 1.4s board and it loads up on
Get the correct antenna selected, don’t have too much gain. New API is a bit flaky, send me screenshots by direct e-mail.
what gain settings are you on? Can’t see in the image above?
Gain settings are LNA -12, TIA -12, PGA -4.
Yup flaky, tried to change the bandwidth while on and it just crashed out with the please wait box…
Will continue to test…
Have you got any signals yet?
nope, a few spikes, but no signals in the FM band at all… Was just going to try your settings and it bombed
Send me a screenshot, [Here’s mine in high-res]
BTW - if it’s running and you only have spikes the it’s an antenna issue. Try 5MHz - these lower sample rates are seriously bad - could be my hardware (v1.2s) but so far my testing shows the new API release to be significantly inferior to the previous one I used (September 2016). I’ll look for documentation updates.
OK it’s working… Was a bad fl cable… Great…
But NO HF yet??? Nothing below 30mhz
No idea - the API documentation has not been updated since August 2016 and the current code isn’t anywhere as good as it was previously:
At the moment I’m not prepared to release this code, I’ll play a bit tomorrow and document the problems. It seems that the programmer I worked with in 2016 is no longer a full-time Lime employee - and he was very, very good.