LimeSDR parameters

Hello everyone,
please see the following code:

dev = limeSDR();
dev.tx0.frequency = Transmitter_Frequency;
dev.tx0.samplerate = Transmitter_Sample_Rate;
dev.tx0.antenna = 2;
dev.rx0.frequency = Receiver_Frequency;
dev.rx0.samplerate = Receiver_Sample_Rate;
dev.rx0.antenna = 2;
So can someone explain the commands there?
especially, i have the following questions:

  1. does tx0 or rx0 mean channel 1, then tx1 or rx1 will mean channel 2??
  2. what is meant by dev.tx0.frequency? Is this the frequency of the signal to be sent at this antenna? The same will apply at the receiver port?
  3. what does sample rate mean here?
  4. when you say dev.tx0.antenna = 2, does this mean there are 2 transmitting antennas or antenna number 2 (among 4 the board has), again is the numbering from left to right or right to left?

This is all part of a MATLAB interface i got from here only.

Please answer quickly,

  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. Not sure what is not clear here, it’s just a sample rate (sampling frequency) of your tx/rx signal
  4. This looks like SISO app, so it’s antenna port number. Not sure how exactly those integers map to physical antenna ports, you can try to find the corresponding labels that are used for those numbers, or simply keep connecting antenna to different SMA ports and check from which one you are transmitting/receiving the strongest signal.

Thanks a lot, ccsh,

Although this link can explain the mapping of ports??


The thing is that you have posted some fragment of unknown code which identifies the antennas by integers, but without showing how those integers are mapped to antenna labels defined in the driver interface. Also you didn’t specify which LimeSDR version you are using (mini or regular-size). So basically without such information we can only guess that those integers are mapped directly like in the LimeSuite header file, meaning that for regular-size LimeSDR you are choosing LNAL port of first RX channel and TX2 port of first TX channel:


this information is cool!!!
I think it solves my problem!!!
Thanks a lot