LimeSDR mini Read/Writer error

Problem with LimeSDR mini

hi @all,

since a few weeks I am working with the LimeSDR and the LimeSDR mini.

The LimeSDR works fine and everything is okay, thank you for that great device :slight_smile:

The problem is with LimeSDR mini,whenever I try to access the device i get only the message in the console:

Read(64 bytes) failed
Write(64 bytes) failed

LimeUtil --find response:

*[LimeSDR Mini, media=USB 3.0, module=FT601, addr=24607:1027, serial=1D4257ACA6D09C]

LimeQuickTest response:

->Start time: Tue Dec 17 10:00:49 2019

Read(64 bytes) failed
Read(64 bytes) failed
Read(64 bytes) failed
Read(64 bytes) failed
Write(64 bytes) failed
Write(64 bytes) failed
Board not supported
Failed to connect
libusb: warning [libusb_exit] application left some devices open

LimeUtil --update response:

Connected to [LimeSDR Mini [USB 3.0] 1D4257ACA6D09C]
Read(64 bytes) failed
Update not supported: UNKNOWN[HW=0]

Programming update failed!

if i try to connect the Lime Suite with the LimeSDR mini, i get the message:

[10:03:11] INFO: Disconnected control port
[10:03:57] ERROR: Read(64 bytes) failed
[10:04:01] ERROR: Write(64 bytes) failed
[10:04:01] INFO: Connected Control port: UNKNOWN FW:0 HW:0 Protocol:0 GW:0.0 Ref Clk: -0.00 MHz

i found this post:

but if i try to read the Configuration i get this info:

SoapySDRUtil --probe=“driver=lime” response:

##     Soapy SDR -- the SDR abstraction library     ##

Probe device “driver=lime”
linux; GNU C++ version 7.3.0; Boost_106501; UHD_003.010.003.000-0-unknown

[INFO] Make connection: 'LimeSDR Mini [USB 3.0] 1D4257ACA6D09C'
[ERROR] Read(64 bytes) failed
[ERROR] Read(64 bytes) failed
[ERROR] Read(64 bytes) failed
[ERROR] Write(64 bytes) failed
[ERROR] Write(64 bytes) failed
[ERROR] Write(64 bytes) failed
[INFO] Device name: UNKNOWN
[INFO] Reference: -1e-06 MHz
[ERROR] Write(64 bytes) failed

At the end i have used a JTAG tool (ALTERA USB Blaster) and wrote LimeSDR-Mini_lms7_trx_HW_1.2.pof,
but no affects.

I think this must be a problem with the hardware and I have no more ideas.
I wanted to exchange the device, but the seller asked me to ask for help in the forum, maybe someone has a idea :slight_smile:
Thank you for help

@Zack, any further to suggest?

Hi @jonah1,

It looks like FPGA is not programmed (or doesn’t work for some reason). As you have USB blaster could you try to flash this file (if you flashed the different one previously):
You have to power-cycle the board after this procedure.

Hey @Zack,
Thank you very much for the quick answer.
Yes, I have the USB blaster an i have try to flash the file you mean:
The flash process finished successful, but the error did not fixed. Not even after a power cycle.

Hi @jonah1,

Then RMA it, please. Sorry for inconvenience.

Okay, thank you :slight_smile: