LimeSDR Mini on Android without chroot

Hi, I’ve ported LimeSuiteNG with SoapySDR to android as a standalone apk.
It work’s on unrooted deveices, but it requires more tests… for now I’ve tested it with simply receiving some samples. If you are interested please test it on your own and give me some feedback or open an issue on project.

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Very cool, thanks for sharing!

Curious what your use case is?

Also wondering if Android support could somehow be included upstream.

Good job.
The patching of CMake file is not as much necessary, most of the features can be disabled through cmake options like -DENABLE_CLI=off -DENABLE_GUI=off -DENABLE_SOAPYSDR=off -DENABLE_LIMEPCIE=off

I’ll probably add API into the lime::DeviceRegistry to allow adding in externally enumerated devices.

I just wanted to have a practical spectrum analyzer, but carring rpi was quite inconvenient. And yes adding support for android is possible when appropriate API will be avaliable like @ricardas said above.

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Yes… that’s lack of expierience with bigger cmake projects.